0.60 In Which He Has Natural Talent

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DISCLAIMER: I Do Not Own Teen Wolf

The hospital itself wasn't very busy, Scott saw. The pristine white halls were filled with only a small amount of people, visitors and doctors alike. He hated the smell of Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital; it was always a blanket of disinfectant over the stench of sick and blood. The only good thing about the place was his mother, Melissa, who was currently stood opposite him with a wide, almost knowing smile.

"Is my beautiful, talented and wonderful son actually bringing me dinner?" she asked, looking up from the paperwork spread in front of her to glance at the bag he'd just placed on the desk. It wasn't much. His last paycheque was weeks ago, and so he only had 5 bucks to pay for food.

So he bought her a McDonalds Happy Meal and drank the milkshake on the walk to the hospital.

"Thought you wouldn't mind skipping the cafeteria tonight," he lied. What? He was a teenage boy sweetening up his mum to let him borrow the car.

"You are the most thoughtful, loving..." she smirked knowingly, "most conniving little con-artist ever. You are so not getting the car tomorrow night."

Scott stared at her, slack jawed, "Mum."

"What?" Melissa demanded, "There's a curfew, no car."

There was a town curfew. A few days before, he and Stiles had overheard the sheriff talking about it. It was because of the body, the one he'd found not once, but twice, the one that allowed them to send Derek Hale, the alpha werewolf who bit him, to jail. Too bad he was released later that same day because it was announced the killer was an animal, not a human, and the body was identified as Laura Hale, Derek's sister.

A lot happened, he'd learned, while he was playing lacrosse and kissing his girlfriend.

"But," his mum grinned, "I will take this." She grabbed the food off of the counter and walked away. "Love you."

Scott frowned, muttered, "Love you, too," and stomped out of the hospital.

Well, he started to.

On the way to the door, his mind wondered to Garrison Meyers, the man he'd attacked. He had to see the bus driver; he had to know what happened. He still couldn't remember anything, unless you count a bunch of false images of tearing Ellie apart.

Scott, against his better judgment, turned around and crept to Garrison's hospital room. He was asleep in the bed, all of the lights shut off, and the machine was beating steadily in time with his heart. There was a bandage wrapped around his head, tubes in his nose, and blood stained around his face.

"Mr Meyers?" Scott cooed hesitantly. Garrison's eyes fluttered open, moved to stare at the teenager in front of him. "You okay?"

He said nothing, only started to hyperventilate. He grabbed Scott's shirt sleeve, making an odd whining noise at the back of his throat and glaring intensely.

"What the hell are you doing in here?!" Mrs McCall yelled, shoving her son away from the man. "et out! Now!"

He stumbled away, shaken, to the door. Behind him, Mr Meyers stared screaming.


Scott arrived at Derek Hale's burnt out mansion in time to see a squad car peel out of the driveway. He swallowed nervously, eyes darting over the windows in search for the alpha, but finding nothing but shadows and silence.

"I know you can hear me," he said levelly, trying to ensure that his voice didn't shake, "I need your help."

It started raining after a few seconds with no response, to the teen wold moved to the porch, in front of the door. The house really creeped him out, especially being here on his own. For a moment, his mind went to what it must have been like before the fire. Imagining Derek as anything other than a bitter murderer made his head hurt. Hell, imagining Derek smiling made his head hurt.

Broken But Mending; Scott McCall [1] ✔Where stories live. Discover now