f i v e o f c l u b s

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I went to Annie's house after that. I made sure that I called Carla-san before I went to her place so that I wouldn't get whacked by a broomstick when I get home. I drove my scooter. I offered for her to stay behind me and wrap her hands around my waist but she protested so now, she's in front of me and I look like a parent driving her toddler to kindergarten! I had to stand a bit(while driving WHICH IS SO SHIT!) so that my vision wouldn't be blocked by her silky and pale blond hair. I was so close to her, I felt like my boobs are getting squished on her back. I swear I saw Annie smirked as I watched on the side mirror as my chest pressed against her back due to driving difficulties.

Damn you, Annie.

I caught a whiff of vanilla from her so after that, I was pressing a little closer, probably squishing her more. The smell was just so addicting!

I saw Annie frown from the mirror, "Seriously?" She snorted, "After not talking to me for five years, you inch close to me to squish me with those huge lumps of meat you call 'breasts'? What? You wanna be my girlfriend now?"

I swear, we could've been in an accident after she said it but thank heavens, I was able to step on the brake. My face started to feel hot and I hated it. I don't like Annie. I don't love Annie. We're just friends who didn't talk to each other for five years...and I'm here, pressing my lumps of meat to Annie's back(which is her fault cos she doesn't want to be in the back) like a girlfriend who missed her due to a long distance relationship.

"Shut up, bish." I said as I revved forward. 

I rested my chin on her head to annoy her more, "Know your place, midget."

Annie growled, "I'll break your chin. On three. One, two, three-"

I smacked her head and went down from the scooter, "You're not going down, huh?"

Annie shook her head, pouted her lips and crossed her arms, "Nuh-uh!"

I cringed, "Ew, that's so out of character."

"You pressing your meat to my back was out of character too!" She shot back.

Okay, Annie sounded so whiny. Probably because she wants to annoy me and get on my nerves for not talking to her. She's just messing with me.

"Off you go from my scooter." 




I huffed, "What? You want us to go like Iron Man and Captain America on this one?"

Annie slid down from my scooter, "I don't wanna be like Captain America."

She walked away as I parked my scooter behind the huge gate (huge gate with those ornaments that are so symmetrical in both sides, its annoying.) of her house but her house wasn't near the gate. This blond chick is so filthy rich. Well, her parents are. I followed her after parking my beloved scooter.

"So," I began, catching her attention, "Why is it that you don't want to be Captain America?"

She was humming a tune as I asked her that. Her black school shoes crunched the random twigs and leaves that happened to be on her way. I looked at her. She looked sad and lonely. Well, she does look lonely every time but this lonely and sad was worse than she was when we were in elementary. She kind of felt dead to me and when I try to walk beside her and say nothing, it's like she's not really there. It's like she's not beside me. She's fading like the witches who run away before the sun rises to bite their skin.

I concentrated on the path we were treading, staring at it like I'm having a staring contest against it. Trees were everywhere except the path. They illuminated shadows that protected us from the heat. The wind was cool and everything was quiet. I could hear the birds chirping their spring song, thanking God for ending the winter. I touched my scarf, feeling it. 

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