q u e e n

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I actually got rich from my gambling. I won every single time and even the greatest gamblers was beaten because of me.

Years have passed and I'm now twenty one. I still lived at Annie's place since she didn't bother if I lived there as long as I paid for my own ass. I finished school and now I'm a pediatrician. Lol, I told ya I was never gonna be an engineer. 

Yup, I give medicines to kids that'll bring them back to their health. Also, I've matured but I still give in to my impulses when it's all about gambling.

I got up from bed and stretched. I opened my window to let the fresh air invade my room.

So far, nothing terrible has happened to me. Those demons didn't see me again. I didn't call them or text them anymore. I changed all my numbers and got rid of my old ones.

In short, everything we had was fading. It was like my memories were drawn on the chalkboard but was erased when a teacher came inside the room and erased it. The only things left were the faint smudges of chalk that reminded me that something was there. Used to be there.

I undressed, throwing my pajamas aside and went to the bath.

So far, my life is running well. I've opposed the best gamblers in the country but the others still said that I didn't beat all the best ones yet.

There's still someone standing. Her alias sounds cringey to me but she's known as...

The Red Queen.

And now, cue some intense cringing from your boy Mikasa.

I don't know why she called herself The Red Queen but gambling folks told me that she achieved that title because she gambles with her life. It was either she gets killed or her opponents get killed. Sounds like a more brutal version of Jabami Yumeko.

She's my goal. My goal is to defeat her. I've been searching for her for years and I think tonight, I shall slay her. But first, I gotta go to work.

I dried my hair and changed. I went down the stairs and sat on the dining table.

Martha walked towards the table with trays on her hands. She placed a tray in front of Annie and the other one in front of me.

"Breakfast for today is Chicken Cordon Bleu." She stated, standing behind Annie. "I hope you enjoy it."

"Thanks, Martha." I smiled and she smiled back at me.

Annie didn't even bother to thank Martha, she was busy wolfing down her chicken.

Martha actually warmed up to me all over the years. She now addressed me as Mikasa not Guest Mikasa which was great because Guest isn't part of my name.

I finished my breakfast and went to brush my teeth. I then went to the parking lot and drove my black car. Yeah, I didn't get my scooter back. I was too scared to take it back from the demons.

Also, I've changed my look and my name so that people who knew me wouldn't discover me again. I dyed(but its washable so I had to dye my hair everyday.) my hair red and put on brown contacts. I changed my name to Carissa Bachman.

How it went to that? I don't know.

Only Annie and Martha knew I was Mikasa Ackerman. Everyone else knew me as Carissa Bachman.

I parked my vehicle on the parking lot and went out and locked my car. I walked briskly, making my heels clack to the ground erratically.

I opened the glass door by pulling and when I entered the clinic, I was greeted by the cold breeze of the air conditioner and my colleagues.

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