k i n g + s i x

5 1 11

During college, I was a complete party goer and whatnot. In short, I was the queen. Not the dumb one, the smart one. Everybody bowed down to me with just a flick of my finger. It was like I was worshiped. Everybody would always invite Carissa Bachman and enjoy with her and create memories with her but despite all that, they didn't mean anything to me. 

During parties, I pretended to enjoy with all those popular students but my eyes were glued to one person who stayed in the corner while playing with her phone vigorously. Her eyes shined with the screen as her fingers moved quickly on it. 

Every party I went, she was always there but it seems like she's more absorbed in her game than the party. In a certain party, I've decided to approach and talk to her.

"Hey." I said. "What's your name?"

She looked up, bored. "Hitch. Yours?"


And with just a simple and awkward conversation, me and Hitch became friends. Yeah, I know I've said some whole mumbo jumbo about not having friends except Annie and Martha but yeah, Hitch is my friend. It made me sad how I couldn't tell her who I really was. Deep down, I've realized that she isn't my friend. She's Carissa Bachman's friend. The thought of that and the lies I've kept to her made me stay up late at night, crying my eyes out. 

"Carissa!" She would say, "You're pretty in your own way, you know!"

And not to mention, she's Annie's friend too. 

Since my old trio was broken, I decided to create a new one that consisted of me, Annie, and Hitch. We stayed together until we finished college. No, we will stay until everything will end. 

"Annie! You're pretty too so stop wearing your shabby hoodie!" 

If only...

"Shut up, Hitch." Annie hissed. "At least, I can be warm if it suddenly snows. You'll get cold with that skimpy outfit of yours."

If only I saved Hitch...

"Guys! We finally graduated and kept our friendship together even if we have different courses!"  Hitch beamed brightly. "We should celebrate! Just the three of us." She hugged me and Annie. 

"Yeah, sure." Annie said with a dull and unhappy tone. "Could get some weed as celebration."

I smiled and shrugged. "Anything will do."

Hitch gasped in horror. "WHY WEED?!"

Annie sighed. "It's just a joke."

If only I was the one who was shot by the bullet and not Hitch.

She was hugging her knees, crying her eyes out when me and Annie arrived in her apartment. 

"What happened?" Annie asked, concerned.

"Hitch, who made you cry? I'm gonna beat that beast to pulp!" I said angrily.

She sniffed. "No, please don't hurt Marlowe."

Annie gave Hitch's shoulder a small pat. "It'll be okay. Sooner, the mushroom head will realize how idiotic he is for leaving a precious woman like you."

"Really?" She choked.

"No. I was just joking." Annie said and tucked her hands in her pockets.

"Annie!" I chided. "Seriously?"

Hitch got to her feet and shook Annie's shoulders. "Really, Annie? You're making me feel worse!" She sobbed again, this time, she leaned on Annie's shoulder.

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