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Copyright 2017/2018

-Anya Amarachi Jacinth

Day Five

A.K.A, The D Day.

The Day Of The Basketball Game.

Day 5


I was a little held back on going to school.

Firstly, the stares.

I've been MIA since Thursday.

And the questions from the people I usually spoke to.

"You never replied to your chats or even read them."

"You never picked your calls."

"Your phone never went."

"Why weren't you at school?"

And my answer was usually. "Sorry," "Sorry," "Sorry," "I needed to work on my play."

Then... the epinephrine of bumping into Dennis.

I knew it'd be awkward.

But even if I saw him, I was going to act like I never knew him.

But what made today extra irritating for me was the fact that Gemma ignored me and I saw her posts on Instagram and Twitter which people have been retweeting and reposting.

She wrote about how she joined the drama club just to support me because she knew I sucked at playwriting.

She also claimed how awesome she was to tolerate the embarrassment and stupid script I had written.

I honestly didn't have her time.

I had bigger problems.

I kept staring at the time. It was already after school and the teacher held us back in class so that she would complete her scheme for the term.

It was English class and I searched around.

Not once did I see Dennis in class.

Why was I looking for him? I honestly didn't know.

Maybe he's practising for basketball. I thought as I looked around the class and searched if I saw any person in the basketball team I knew.

I didn't see any... Until someone rose their hand.

"I'm sorry, Mrs Norman but I have basketball practice right now. We have a game soon." He said.

"I'm sorry, Ian. I'll be rounding up soon." She apologized and went on.

I decided to try my own luck as well.

I raised my hand.

She looked at me.

"I'm sorry but I also have a play to present like... Right now." I explained to her.

She glared at me. "You, stay. You missed Friday's class and the pop quiz."

There was a pop quiz?

Dang, it.

And Dennis came to school that day.

I hate him for that.

I was so not prepared for this.

She ended the class because I spoke and made me wait back to do a makeup test.

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