tWenTy FoUr

59 14 2


Copyright 2017/2018

-Anya Amarachi Jacinth

|ft. Samm Henshaw - How does it feel?|

That Same Moment


At that moment, my head was blank.

What did he mean by that?

I honestly chose to believe I didn't hear well.

I couldn't bring myself to admit to the sick feeling I already started feeling before coming to his house.

I knocked on the door again.

I didn't know when tears came to my eyes.

He opened the door.

"What do you want?" He was clearly annoyed. His tune was different.

"Where's Dennis?" My voice was firm as tears clouded my eyes.

Frank sighed, "Didn't you get me the first time? He's dead. That day when I called you, he got into an accident. He wanted to talk to you, Bianca. I never knew love existed until I saw my cousin asking for his death wish to be to see a fucking ingrate."

I broke inside.

"Before school ended, you said you wanted to talk to him and you did but you pushed him away. Now, he's gone, Bianca. Happy? You've got what you wanted."

How was this what I wanted?

I never wanted Dennis dead.

Yes, I got that I wanted him to beg me for his ingratitude of what we had last term but I never saw things coming this way.

Frank glared at me. "Don't just come near any of my family members. You don't have any right to step into this house anymore. Because I was fucking broken when I saw my cousin dying and he asked me to call you and you aired him out."

Frank was crying.

And not just because of the loss.

Because he was angry.

He was angry at me.

Angry at me not because I wasn't there for Dennis but because I wasn't the one meant for him.

Dennis' love wasn't worth being wasted on me.

I didn't deserve his love and now it's gone.

Maybe someone could have loved him better.

Not me.

At that moment, I wished I could reverse the clock.

Go back in time.

Say yes to Dennis and kiss him... Hold him. Be with him.

Maybe if I was even around, he wouldn't have gotten into an accident.

But even hearing this, it didn't sound right.

I didn't believe it.

Was there... A tombstone with Dennis' name on it?

Thoughts started flooding my head.

Like when it happened.

But I couldn't ask that.

Like how I could have salvaged Dennis' love. The love we shared.

But I was thinking of myself too much.

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