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(Above: Nathan Owen)

(Third person POV)


It's the last day of school. After this everyone will scatter and will be seen running here and there for taking the next step of their lives-COLLEGE!

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NATHAN OWEN, the cool dude, handsome hunk and the football champ of St. Xavier's High School is waiting outside his classroom for his gang to come. He is a commerce student and in the last year of school. He is not just the most good-looking one but also the genius one. No matter how calm and not-so-caring he seemed from outside, he was soft from inside and cared about emotions. But never showed anyone. There is not a single girl who didn't try her chances with him. He too gave the girls their opportunities. He loved the attention he got from the students and teachers. Who doesn't like? Everyone seeks such kind of attention. But not everyone is that lucky to get it.

"Hey guys! We aren't attending any of the classes today. I am really not in a mood. Plus, it's the last day and I don't want it to get wasted in such a horrible way. Let's make some memories!" Nathan blurted out as he his friends came and joined him.

"Yeah! Sure baby. As you say. I don't care as long as I am with you." hissed Jane in Nathan's ears, playing with his hair. Jane Hudson, Nathan's so called "girlfriend". So called because Nathan was never interested in her. Neither he considered her as his girl. For him she was just another girl whom he used for his benefits. She too knew this but a girl like Jane didn't care about all such things. She just needed him for the sake of her reputation.

"Bro, we won't have classes anyway. Who would take classes on the last day?" Drake interrupted Jane in between. Drake was the oldest and bestest friend of Nathan. They were together since the first day of their kindergarten. They were like brothers from another mothers. From pencil to clothes, these guys shared everything. Drake didn't like Jane at all. She was the only girlfriend of Nathan's whom he disliked. Often he would tell Nathan, "Dude, there are endless girls in our school. But out of all those you got only this piece of shit? What did you see in her? She's all a makeup store in herself. She is such a b***ch. You also know she is with you because you are good for her reputation. She is such a waste!" to which Nathan would always reply, "Who cares about her? I don't even remember her name most of the times. And you know she is with me just for this month. For next month I already have a booking. Then she would be out of this equation anyhow. So it's no big deal. Moreover, as long as I am getting what I need, I don't give a damn who she is and for what reason she wants me. You know I will never get into this love shit."

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Just like always, corridors were their hangout place after cafeteria. They all were clicking pictures and selfies, recalling their first day at school, first bunk, first gf/bf, first kiss and all the other firsts that they had in school.

Where on one hand the commerce students were partying and having fun, the science people were busy attending their last lectures, completing practical files, collecting important questions and clearing doubts. Nathan's gang was sitting outside one of the science sections.

Drake suddenly saw a diary at the last seat of the class. It looked as if it was someone's personal diary. "Hey look!" Drake pointed at the diary. "Even these nerds maintain a personal diary. Do they even have time to write? I wonder what all they might write. Today I scored an 8 in the test. Next time I would try to get a 10. Today I found out how gravity works!" Everyone was rolling on floor with laughter. The way Drake acted was just hilarious. "Let's check out, what would a nerd's personal dairy contain. Nathan I bet you to go and get that diary."

Everyone was now suddenly cheering, "Go! go! go! Nathan! Nathan! Nathan! Go! Go!"

"But that is someone's personal diary. How can we just get into someone's personal space. It won't be right.

"Since when did you start caring about others personal space. All you cared was about you and your fun." Jane asked raising her brows.

"Just tell frankly that you are scared Nat!" Drake tried to hurt his ego.

And it did hurt his EGO!

"Okay! Okay! Calm down guys. I will go and get the diary. You all know that Nathan Owen never steps back from a challenge and I AM NOT SCARED OF ANYONE OR ANYTHING!" He continued,"But for this time, It's going to be a little different. I have a condition."

Everyone asked, "What condition?"

"Only I will read that diary and no one else."

"What? No. It's not done." suddenly everyone was upset.

"Okay! Done. Now go and get that thing." Drake shouted.

As soon as his condition was accepted, he stood up and started walking towrds the back door of that class where that diary was kept. He peeped inside. A girl was dictating some important questions to the students(that's what it looked like as everyone was so much indulged in writing that no one noticed Nathan peeping). Since, there was no teacher in the class, it was quite simple to get the diary. He crawled in and stretched his hand to reach till the desk where the diary was kept. After making few efforts, he finally had his trophy in his hands. He took it and slowly came out. He showed it off to everyone and once again Nathan was the one for whom nothing was IMPOSSIBLE!

"Hey! Show it man."

"Ah! ah! aa! As per to my condition only I will read it. But yes I can show it to you from outside. See have a look!" Nathan teased everyone and ran away from there. He went and locked the stolen diary in his car so that no one can reach it.

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