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(I dedicate this chapter to CandidMoments .Thankyou for the lovely cover. Its perfect and awesome. Thankyou for taking out time for editing my cover.)

Third person's POV

On the way to WAVE, Annabelle was getting restless. It would be all new to her. New place, new people all around her and she was a bit nervous about it as she was really very bad at getting along with new people or you can say her social skills were poor. She was just hoping she doesn't embarrass Nathan and Drake.
"So whose party is it?" Asked Annabelle gathering all information about the place where she will be for the next few hours.
"Drake's party!" replied Nate while Drake's answer was a bit different. He said it was his friend's party.
"Why do both of you have different answers?" Annabelle was confused. Nate and Drake looked at each other, thinking what to answer.
"U-mm! Just ignore this Nate. He was out of touch of parties and related stuff for few months so he doesn't know exactly whose party it is. Dude why would I throw a party, right?" Drake handled the situation very cleverly.
"Ya, ya, right Drake. Anna he is right. It's my mistake. I thought since Drake invited us so it might be his party and you know we all friends are very close so that's why we consider every party our party. Right, Drake?"
"Absolutely right, bro!" Drake nodded his head in agreement and took a long deep breath.
Anna was digesting what they just explained. "You guys are weird, you know that?" Thankfully she didn't doubted them much and ignored the rest.
It took 10 more minutes to reach WAVE. It was all dark there and no sign of a party. "You sure there is a party because I don't see a single person around here." Anna questioned.
"Belle that's because everyone is inside. The party is going on in the basement. So let's go." He took her by the hand while Nathan just followed them. He was happy that till now everything was going well and Anna was getting comfortable with Drake.
They took the elevator and were all set to go. Just as the doors of the elevators went sliding either sides parting from each other, Anna saw the red, green, blue laser lights, going in every possible directions. When everyone saw them comming, everyone rushed towards Nathan as he was meeting them after a long time. Anna was left alone with Drake. He took her to a corner and made her sit comfortably but she wasn't feeling comfortable without Nathan. Her eyes were looking here and there, searching him. "Where is Nathan, Drake?" She finally asked as she couldn't resist anymore. "He might somewhere here in the crowd only. Why?" asked Drake. "Can you please call him? I want him to stay by my side. I came here just because of him and now he ditched me."
"I will call him but why are you worrying Belle. I'm here with you. But still if you want I will go and call him. You stay here, okay?"
"Yeah, okay. Thanks!" Said Annabelle sheepishly. Drake left to look for Nate. Nathan was watching everything from a distance and as he saw Drake leaving Anna and comming towards him, he hurried his steps towards him to know what was wrong.
"She wants you by her side. I think she is not feeling comfortable with me dude. Be with us till the right time. I don't want her mood to get off." Drake explained what actually happened.
"No problem. I see Jane has also been invited to the party, huh?" Nathan gave disgusted looks.
"I am sorry bro. I forgot about you and her. I am seriously sorry." Drake apologised.
No, its okay. Actually its nice she is here! And I heard she isn't dating anyone." Nathan had definitely something in his mind. "Are you alright, Nate? You are smiling because Jane's here. Well I know you very well. This smile is telling me something else. What are you planning?"
"Look! Anna wants me beside her because she is still relying on me and is not opening up with you and she won't even unless she gets used to my absence and your presence. Are you getting what am I actually trying to say? Are you looking in the same direction?" This was what in Nathan's mastermind.
"Ah-aan! Yo bro, I got ya!" Drake high-fived Nathan. "Now listen to me Drake. I will tell you what are you supposed to do now. I am going to Annabelle and you go to Jane and tell her that Nate's been feeling so sorry for what happened at her party. He was just a bit depressed at that time and took all his frustation on her. He never meant to hurt her and blah blah blah. You add it yourself the rest. Just make her come to me and steal me away from you and Anna." Nathan explained.
"So you will make Annabelle make feel jealous so that she might not come to you and stay with me? Dude, are you sure you people have nothing for each other?"
"No, Drake, not at all. How many times do I need to tell you that? She is just my 'special best friend', that's it. Now go and do as I say. I will be waiting for you and Jane."
After the final discussion of the plan, they parted their ways. Nathan came straight away to Anna. "Hey girl! I heard you've been lookin for me."
"Yes! You cheat! I came here just because of you and you left me alone." She punched him over his shoulder. "Alone? What do you mean alone? Drake was there with you. You guys enjoy each other's company so I thought it would be okay for you to stay with him. See, I am meeting everybody after such a long time. So, I have to be with them also. I hope you understand dear!"
"Oh! Yes, yes. Absolutely. I understand. Where's Drake?"
"Name of the devil and the devil appears. Belle I am here. Just look at our connection, you took my name and here I am. And Nate there is someone to meet you."
"Jane!" Nathan showed his fake excitement and stepped forward, hugged and placed a kiss over Jane's cheek. "Long time, huh? How are you?"
"Is she Jane Hudson? What is she doing with Nate?"Annabelle whispered in Drake's ears.
"She is Nathan's ex and might become his next! They were together in school. Although they were nere serious for each other but you know time changes everyone. By the way how do you know her?"
"Oh! Who doesn't?"
Nathan turned to Annabelle. "Jane, meet my new friend Annabelle Sebastian. Anna, Jane. Jane, Anna."
"Correction! I am Nate's special best friend. Nice to meet you Jane!"
"Same here." Jane smiled a fake smile. "Do you mind me stealing Nathan from you guys? We have something important to talk. See you Anna in college. I heard you will be coming with us in the same college?"
"Same college?" Nathan couldn't control the shock in his voice.
"Why are you feeling so shocked Nate? Aren't you happy that all the school buddies will be together in college too, ofcourse with new ones too?" Jane pointed towards Annabelle.
"No, nothing of that sort. I'm happy you would be joining us. London school of Economics and political science?" Nathan repeated to confirm this bad news.
"Yup-p! Thanks to Drake he told me that Nathan won't be joining us in the L.U Scholar Academy. We all too left that college and came to the one you were going too, afterall we are old friends, right?" She layed emphasis on old friends just to mark her boundaries infront of Anna.
Meanwhile Drake exchanged an apologetic look with Nathan. He knew how badly he wanted to get away from the St. Xavier's crowd but was now stuck with them only, just because of Drake. Nathan left with Jane giving Drake 'You are not getting away with this so easily' look and Annabelle, an apologetic look.
"You want a drink?" Drake started the conversation to overcome the awkward silencer between him and his future girlfriend(which was far away in future too) Anna.
"No. I am okay!"
"Please excuse-me for a minute, Belle! I will be back in a while." saying this Drake too left. Anna was sitting all alone now. Her mood was completely off now.
"It was so stupid of me that I came here. I am such a jerk. I don't belong here and to these people. They are so different from me. Nathan is such an asshole! He never told me he had a girlfriend. I thought I knew him very well but no. He is a pathetic liar like the rest. It was my fault that I was expecting so much from him and the situation. I thought he liked me. I like him too. Well like will have too only if he likes me. But I don't think he likes me the way I like him. Why would he like me? Why would any guy like me? There is nothing special in me." Anna was completely heartbroken after seeing Jane and Nathan together. "But what's even special in that bitch, Jane! I know her so well. She is a slutty bitch and nothing else." Annabelle knew Jane since school.
In all this talking to herself she didn't noticed that the spotlight was over her and someone just called out her name. Everyone was looking at her and she felt embarrassed, hoping no one saw her talking to herself. Well luckily no one did! But she was confused who was the one calling out her name. She ran her eyes scrutinising the crowd and finally reached at the person standing in spotlight across the room, exactly opposite to her. But who was that. She couldn't see properly because of the bright light shining over her. The only thing she could do was, listen. The DJ had stopped playing and she heard one familiar voice over the mike.
"This one's only for you Annabelle Sebastian!" Next she heard was guitar strings. There was a huge smile over her face. "Nate, I knew you liked me. You could never be with Jane." She thought in her mind. And he started singing the song alongwith the guitar. She recognised the guitar. It was Nate's. He had sung for her before. Now this made her sure that it was Nathan. From the starting music, she recognised the song too. It was 'Soul Sister' by 'Train'. She liked this song.
"Heeey heeeey heeeeey
Your lipstick stains on the front lobe of my left side brains
I knew I wouldn't forget you
And so I went and let you blow my mind
Your sweet moonbeam
The smell of you in every single dream I dream
I knew when we collided you're the one I have decided
Who's one of my kind"
And now he turned around and looked right in her eyes. But it wasn't Nathan. It was his best friend Drake Clearson.
"Drake!" The name came out of her mouth instantly. She couldn't understand. What was happening? Why is Drake doing this? She saw him coming towards her. Everyone was hooting and clapping now. Anna saw Nathan standing with Jane and noticed his hands across her waist. She drew her attention back to Drake as he approached closer to her, giving her goosebumps. She was feeling embarassed literally and was going full red. Drake was taking rounds of Anna now.
"Hey soul sister, ain't that mister mister on the radio, stereo
The way you move ain't fair you know
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
Heeey heeeey heeeey"
Drake continued singing.
"Just in time, I'm so glad you have a one track mind like me
You gave my life direction
A game show love connection, we can't deny I I-I-I-I
I'm so obsessed
My heart is bound to beat right out my untrimmed chest
I believe in you, like a virgin, you're Madonna
And I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind
Hey soul sister, ain't that Mister Mister on the radio, stereo
The way you move ain't fair you know
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight"
He stood right in front of her and held her hand in his, then placed a light kiss on it.
"The way you can't cut a rug
Watching you's the only drug I need
So gangster, I'm so thug
You're the only one I'm dreaming of
You see I can be myself now finally
In fact there's nothing I can't be
I want the world to see you'll be with me
Hey soul sister, ain't that mister mister on the radio, stereo
The way you move ain't fair you know
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
Heeey heeeey heeeeey (tonight)
Heeey heeeey heeeeey (tonight)"
With the end of the song, Drake came to his knees with still holding her hand and said, "Ms. Annabelle Sebastian, today at this time I would like to confess my feelings for you. From the very first time I saw, I knew I had started falling for you. I swear, I have never felt this way before for any girl before. With you it's like if I am falling, I want to fall only for you. You are really very special to me. The first time we met and I saw you with Nathan, I just held my breath and crossed my fingers, thinking and hoping that you're not Nathan's girlfriend and luckily you weren't. I know what your answer will be but still I wanted to tell you all this and so I did. I am not asking for any commitment or anything right now. I just want your time so that even I may make you fall in love with me. But if you don't then you are free to leave. You are free to leave me anytime, girl. I will never force you. We will start with the very basic step-friendship. I don't want to hurry up and make things clumsy, no not at all. I am that patient. I just want you to give me this one chance of friendship and try my luck. If you are really meant for me then you will be with me for sure but if not then I won't ask you to stay. This is all I had to say. Now its your turn. If you want to answer now, you can but if you need time then the time is all yours."
Every pair of eyes in the room was fixed on Annabelle. Nathan too was looking at her and thinking what she might say. He wasn't sure if Anna would say no. No one knew exactly.Everyone just had one question in mind, 'WHAT WILL BE ANNABELLE'S ANSWER?"

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