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(A lot can happen over a coffee
-Cafe Coffee Day)

(A lot was going to happen)

(Third person POV)


Dear Mom&Dad,

Mom and dad I miss you... You and only you too are the best person in my life I ever had..You left me like this to should have taken me along with you.. You never thought what would I do without you guys.. Wasn't I that important for you? I know you are somewhere in heaven and looking at me from there. But can't you see my sufferings or even you are ignoring it.

Your daughter



Nobody knows its empty

This smile that I wear

The real one is left in the past

Because you have left me there

Nobody knows I am crying

They wont even see my tears

When they think I m laughing

I wish u were still here

Nobody knows its painfull

They think that I am strong

They say this wont kill me

I wish they were wrong

Nobody knows that I am praying

That you will change your mind

They think that I had let you go

When you left me behind.

Nobody knows I miss U

They think I feel set free

But I feel like I am bonded with chains

Trapped in mystry

Nobody knows I need you

They say I can do on my own

But they dont know that I am crying

When I am all alone


He started shuffling through the pages looking for some hint or something that could lead him to this girl, owner of the diary. The more he read her diary, the more he knew about her. Her joys, her sorrows! Everytime he was attracted towards her. He would have just one thing in his mind and that was to meet this girl and he was determined to find her anyhow. He went through all the pages where she had written, even just a word!

"There might be something, there has to be something! I want to know you. I want to see who are you? I want to meet you."

He was so lost in his thoughts of this girl that he didn't noticed Annabelle comming. When she knocked at the window, he was out of his trail of thoughts.

"Oh! I am sorry! I didn't see you comming." said Nathan and signalled her to back off as he was unlocking the door.Meanwhile he placed the diary back under his seat.

The Stolen Diary(ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now