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(Above: Annabelle Sebastian)

(Third person POV)


"Anabelle Sebastian!"

Nathan couldn't control that name coming out of his mind.

"How do you know my name?" Anabelle was surprised herself. "Have we met before?" She asked to clear her doubt. "Umm! Yes! No! Sort of." Nathan himself didn't know what to say exactly. He was thinking if he could really call that a meeting. "You are such a confused sperm, dude!" And she giggeled. "Oh gosh! My sense of humour is so good." Nathan murmured to himself,"She thinks her sense of humour is good. Are you kidding me? She is really out of her mind."

"What? What did you just say? I heard you, okay! My sense of humour is different. Only the one with same sort can understand it. Someone who is smart enough, just like me."

They were outside the Potters fields park. It lies in at the heart of London, with sweeping views across and along the Thames, Tower bridge, the Tower of London, the Gerkin and City Hall.

"You know I love this park. Its sweeping expanses of grass, whispering trees, quiet walkways and colourful herbaceous garden always amused me as a child. I get my peace of mind here. It was landscaped in 2007." Anabelle spoke suddenly breaking the silence. "2007? Are you serious?" Nathan asked. "Yes, 2007! Why?" Anabelle didn't liked the way Nathan questioned her. She took it as if he was doubting at the fact she just told him. "I never noticed it. I am coming here for the first time. And I must say it is a pretty place! So bad of me I never came here to this part."

"Your bad luck. But now be thankful to me. Now I can die a peaceful death thinking I helped a poor soul." She said looking towards the sky and raising here hands upwards. "Oh lord, my saviour! Please keep this help in mind when I come to you." Anabelle let a loud laugh after this as if she was making this joke to herself. Maybe because she knew Nathan would not understand her joke. So she would have kept it to herself.

While Nathan had to agree her sense of humour was uniquely unique. But with this he had a smile on his face. He was now connecting to her stupid jokes. "Come, let's sit there." Anabelle stretched her hand out and pointed towards a bench under the shade of a huge tree. She took him by the hand and made him sit there like a kid. Then she herself sat right next to him. He shifted a bit to make a little space for her as he was sitting right in the centre. But, the more he shifted, the more she got closer to sit next to him. Finally he couldn't shift anymore and had to stop there with Anabelle sticking to him.

"So, Mr. Saviour whats your name? What do you do?"

"Seriosuly? Didn't you get any better name to call me? Mr. Saviour!"

"Chuck it, man! Whats your name?" Anabelle cut him off in between and raised the question again. "Nathan Owen. I wil be now doing economics honours from London college of Economics and political science. I saw you in the morning there. I was the one who was let to go before you, inspite of your waiting since early morning." Nathan now partially explained her how he knew her name. "So did your shouting worked? Did you get your admission or still waiting for the list to come out." Anabelle gave him a look and asked, "How do you know that I am waiting for the list to come.?"

"The secretary told. So Miss Anabelle Sebastian, 'The Fighter' would you now tell what is your problem. Why were you planning to suicide?"

She was silent now. She was confused about where to start her tragedy. Gathering some scattered memories of which she just had a flashback, she started speaking.

"I was four when my mom and dad got divorced. At that time I didn't had much sense and didn't knew why were my parents not staying together. My mom loved my dad very much and so did my dad but he had some more important things for him, even more important than his wife and daughter. One day we were informed that he expired in a car crash. My mom was literally broken after hearing this and went into depression. She refused from eating or drinking anything. Soon she too gave up and left me alone in this world. I was then sent to an orphange as I had no one to look after me neither my parents had any property or treasure that would have helped me lead an easy life.I hated that place and tried running away from there so many times but was dragged back there everytime. One fine day, after 3 years I saw my aunt and uncle there. They were there to take me home. That day I felt like I was the luckiest of all. Happily I came with them to their place. They had two sons. Both were elder to me. I had always craved for siblings as I was the only kid of my parents. So this was another wish granted to me. But soon this heaven of mine spoiled. I was actually bought home to be treated like a servant, even worse than that. The eldest son he.....!"

She broke off in between. After a while she gathered her broken self and again starting speaking.

"All in all it's been 13 years of my hardships and I don't think it will ever end. My aunt and uncle paid my school fees hardly. In return I had to do all the household chores. I scored A+ in all the subjects and now wanted to study economics with full scholarship so that I need not to rely on these people anymore. I want to get rid of them. But I am not getting this scholarship. I know and I can't stay like this anymore. So it's better to give up. Either I want to end this 13 years hardship or I want to end my life. I am tired of this and all the tortures. I..I.." Tears started rolling down her cheeks. She wiped them but still a teardrop was left on her cheek. She suddenly stood up and started walking towards the bridge again but in the midway only she passed out and fell there on the green, velvety grass. Nathan ran towards her to see if she was alright. But she had lost her consciousness already. Nathan wiped away that one tear from her cheek. He couldn't take off his eyes from her face. "So much of pain behind this angelic face. I used to think I was the only one but she had faced a lot more than I have. Anabelle... Anabelle... Anna.. get up! Are you okay? Get up girl!" But she was not in her senses anymore. He didn't knew what to do, where to take her. So he decided to take her to his home. He took her in his strong arms and started walking to his car. He slowly laid her in the backseat and drove off to his home.

"Who is that with you, Nate? What are you upto?" asked the worried Dwayne as he saw Nathan bringing a girl home for the first time. It was quite unusual for Dwayne as he had never seen Nate doing that.

"I am not doing anything wrong, so chill. Don't worry! She was trying to jump from the bridge. I saved this poor soul. I talked to her. She was telling her story when she passed out as she was drunk and I didn't knew where else to take her so I got her home. Remember the girl in the morning outside the dean's office?" Nathan asked doubting if his uncle remembered anything apart from Ms. Lily.

"Yes, yes I remember! She is the one?"

"Yup-p!" Nathan said making the p sound pop.

"Take her to your room and make her sleep comfortably." Dwayne cleared Nate's way. He took her upstairs to his room and cleared his bed to make space for her to lie down. He covered her with the blanket as she was feeling cold. After making sure that she was fast asleep, he went down to Dwayne. It was 2 a.m. and he was awake as usual.

"I have to talk to you." Nathan stood before him.

"Don't worry she will get her admission. I will take care of it from now." Dwayne answered even before Nate asked his question.

"How did you knew that I was going to talk about that only?" He asked him with surprise.

"I know I am not your dad but buddy I have been living with you since you were born. I know everything about you. From your favourite food to favourite band, your best friend to girlfriend, your crushes to someone really special. So I know when, where and what will you say."

Nathan always felt lucky to have him in his life. His parents were taken away from him but was blessed with such an angel in his life. God is not even so harsh.

"Stop blushing, Nate. You hardly know her. If this is making you blush then I can see that the day is not far when you will fall madly in love with her. And you know what I too like her." Dwayne had never seen him like this ever before.

"I dont like her, okay! There is nothing like that. She was with me and my responsibilty because of that I got her here. No other reason. And you stop blushing. I know whats going on in your mind." he winked at him.

"What?" Dwayne answered acting if he was unaware of what Nathan was saying.

"I am not even that foolish. I know you are happy that you will get to meet her tomorrow. Please do get her number tomorrow!" He tickled Dwayne and went into Dwayne's room to sleep.

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