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noe's point of view

(a/n: im sick at the moment so don't be surprised if this chapter sucks.)

i smiled as i saw taylor spill some of his coffee on himself.

"careful." i said as i laughed and gave him some napkins.

"why'd you ask to meet up? i mean you are jacob black from twilight and i'm just an assistant to an asshole." two days after i had met taylor he found me at starbucks and asked to see me at a cafe.

"just to get to know each other more i guess." i nodded as i took a sip from my caramel macchiato.

i checked my phone and immediately choked on my coffee. 4 unread messages and 20 missed calls from tom. i think he did that on purpose to be "funny."

"hold on, i need to call tom back." i went outside and called him back. he answered within the first 5 rings.

"if you don't get your ass back here i'm firing you!" he yelled through the phone making my ear start hurting a bit. i quickly went back in the cafe and told taylor what had happened. he offered to drive me to his apartment to be faster.

i arrived 10 minutes later. i knocked on his door with a caramel frappuccino from starbucks in my hand. again a man opened it shirtless.

"finally. did you get me this to make up for your absence? i hate caramel but i'll drink it since you spent your own money on it." he started walking away but noticed no footsteps behind him so he turned around and rolled his eyes.

"you live here now. you don't need to be invited in every single time." i nodded and quickly closed the door behind me.

"why were you with taylor? he's seeing someone i think." tom said as he sat down on his bed. i sat down on a chair and stared at him.

"just as a friend. nothing big."

"mmm well don't leave to be with him anymore. you have a job to do and it's basically to take care of me. your personal life is nothing now." he stood up and went in the bathroom. i went to my room and laid down. i changed into my pjs and put my long brown hair up.

aside from the fact that my boss is attractive, he's very possessive.

"also i just made a rule. don't see other guys without my approval. if you're my assistant and people know, you can't just be out hanging with some guy who deals drugs. it wouldn't look good on my part." now it just sounds like he's sorta jealous.


"me? jeal-?" he stopped talking and got closer to me.

"now why would i be jealous?" i shrugged and backed away but he only got closer.

"i don't get jealous. especially when it's girls like you. anyways next time from starbucks, bring me that new serious strawberry. it looks good." he stormed out of my room leaving me speechless.


"here's your serious strawberry." i handed tom his drink and i put on a jacket.

"where you going?" asked tom.

"out. i'll be back in an hour."

"i need you to do things for me still." i sighed heavily and looked at him.

"i want to go to the beach today and not alone." i stared at him as if i didn't hear him. he wants to go to the beach? in this hot weather?

"it's too hot. go with one of your hoes."

"no they'll put on something slutty and later on have their legs open for some other guy." i rolled my eyes and got his car keys.

"woah you aren't going like that are you? go bring your swim suit. you're getting into the ocean with me." i shook my head quickly.

"you will be very bored." he added. i rolled my eyes and decided to go for my swim suit. i put it on under my clothes and met tom in his car.

"you take forever."

"5 minutes is forever to you?"

"that's 5 minutes too long."

"well you'll have to put up with it if you want to get married and have kids. they'll take longer than an hour sometimes."

"i don't want kids or a wife. i hate commitment." i rolled my eyes and turned up the music.


"the sand is so hot!! what the hell!" i yelled as i ran across the sand trying to get closer to the ocean.

"how come it's not hot to you!?" i asked tom in a yelling voice.

"i'm a man noe."

i scoffed and threw myself into the ocean. when i got up, i saw tom sitting on the sand talking to random girls. i walked up to him which caused their conversation to stop.

"sorry ladies but my boss made me come here so now i'm going to make him have fun. if you'll excuse us." the girls scoffed and left. tom looked at me with his 'what the hells wrong with you' face.

"what?" i smiled and started walking in front of him.

"they were hot! are you punishing me for not allowing you to see taylor?" i shook my head and turned to him which caused him to stop and smirk.

"i'm punishing you for making me come here. i mean as your assistant i should want what's best for you right?"


"so having fun instead of getting aids is what's best. who knows where they've opened their legs." tom laughed and shoved me into the water. i took his arm and pulled him in with me.

for an hour we were splashing water at each other. tom even went deep into the ocean and me being me, told tom that i saw a sharks fin near him. it scared the crap outta him.

"will you talk to me now? i'm hungry and everything here is expensive." tom stopped talking to me because of the whole shark event.

"fine, have fun riding a bus." i got into his car and locked it. i started it and drove 5 blocks away from tom. he was behind me running trying to catch up. when he did i let him in.

"bitch." he said trying to catch his breathe.

"your fault."

"you're supposed to be taking care of me!"

"i didn't sign up to baby sit an old man."

"and i wasn't expecting my assistant to be ugly. i wanted you to be hot like my other one."

"and i wanted you to be nice but apparently we don't always get what we want."

the rest of the car ride was quiet. finally, this annoying baby like male shuts up.

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