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toms pov

(This chapter has a very sensitive subject for some. please dont read if you get triggered easily.)

it was around 6 in the morning. after i saw noes ex i went i get a few drinks. i wanted to know why noe was hiding all this from me. especially if this has been going on since she first moved here.

her bedroom door opened. her hair was a huge mess. her dark circles were darker than usual.

"oh tom! when did you get home?" she asked.

"just now." she hugged me. tightly.

"noe." she hummed in response.

"you have some explaining to do later and i want nothing but the truth." she released me and looked at me confused.

"what do you mean?"

"you'll know later. i'm going to take a nap." i went to my room and immediately passed out.


i woke up around noon. i went to the kitchen and found food on the counter. noe was in the living room watching greys. the usual.

once she heard me she turned around and smiled wide.

her smile makes me so happy.

"tom! i made you food. i also cancelled all your meetings today. you're free. for today." i nodded and started eating.

i was mad at noe. i shouldn't be. but i couldn't help it.

i knew she was scared of her ex. she just never showed it.

it upsets me that she doesn't trust me enough to tell me.

"what's wrong?" she asked.

"we need to talk." i left the food on the counter and immediately took noe to her room. i locked it. she sat down in her bed and i sat down on a chair across from her.

"did something happen?" noe asked me.

i cleared my throat.

"tell me about your ex. everything. the whole story." she started to look uneasy.

"it's a really long story."

"i have all day." i told her. she sighed.

"where do you want me to start?"

"the very beginning." i let her know. she nodded.

"his name is dylan. we met in high school. we were really good friends, we graduated together. we went to the same college for the year i went."

"when did you guys start dating?"

"a couple days before graduation. i left him when i was 19. so we dated for like a year."

i stared at her to let her know to continue.

"at first being in a relationship with him was great. i really did love him. he also loved me, but too much. too much that he was obsessed with me. i would have to text him when i wake up or else he got mad. i had to text him before going to sleep, where i was going and with who. he became a very controlling person very soon. i didn't know i was in danger because i was too in love with what he showed me. i didn't focus on his bad side." i could tell she was about to cry.

"did he hurt you?" i asked curiously but also cautiously.

"uh yeah multiple times. it started 6 months into the relationship. i didn't think much of when he first hit me. i just thought he was just mad and couldn't control it."

"what did you do to make him so mad?"

"he told me he was jealous but i was catching up with an old friend. he barely even touched me. "continue your story babe." she sighed heavily and cleared her throat.

"i started noticing he would come to my house in new clothes and he'd just stare at my ceiling. he told me he had to beat up people for some money thing. i don't remember but he was beating up people for me. i told him to not hurt anyone for me. he got mad and threw a chair at me. A year later. s couple days before our graduation, our one year anniversary he got me a little dog. baby, couple weeks old. he was crying a lot and dylan got mad and threw the puppy in the nearest river. i tried getting the puppy but he held my hand not letting me go." she stopped and then continued.

"i love dogs so this was a red flag for me. i broke up with him. he started stalking me. i would hear footsteps behind me everyday. i was always felt watched. one day my friend was driving behind me and she saw him creep out and started following me. she drove past him and told me to get in. she got proof of him stalking me so he was put in prison. he has to do 4 years. i don't know, its been like a year. so he has three more years to go."

why the hell is he here then.

how did he find noe.

"noe you have to listen to me. be careful. don't go out without letting me know where you are. check in with me at all times. if you're feeling watched text me or call me." she looked at me confused.

"why did something happen?"

"he's back and he found you. i don't know how he got out from jail." it looked like her heart sank. she started to look worried.

"how- um how do you know?" she asked.

"last night my manager found him for me. i had been doing some research and my manager found him at some bar. he took him in and called me."

she nodded as she understood.

"what happened?"

"that's something you shouldn't know. but please be more cautious now. i'm going to do everything in my power to lock him up again." she sighed heavily.

"i'm going to have to move again." she sounded upset.

"last time i moved from new york to los angeles because of him. i was scared he would find me but i obviously couldn't tell people that. ugh damn it."

"where would you move? you don't have to move if i put him in jail."

"tom you don't understand. once he gets out of jail he will come to look for me. just like how he did now. i can't stay here with him knowing i'm here."

"wait a month." she sighed heavily. she was obviously worried. maybe i'm being selfish.

he's dangerous so i know why she's scared.

"no matter what i'm going to have to move. he knows i'm in LA. i'm not safe here with him. i have to start looking for apartments in florida or something." she rushed into her room.

i decided to go see my manager.

a/n: we haven't had toms pov in a while. but if any of this is confusing, let me know and i'll have an authors note explaining it deeper. this story is going to be ending soon. maybe 3-5 chapters left unless i can make it longer.

but i will be making a sequel.

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