o35. 💌

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o35. 💌 [spam]
to: dearreaders@gmail.com
subject: voltron + update

i just got this great idea to come up
with more fics because v o l t r o n and
hrksbske i'm only three episodes in wtf?

uhhh so expect a lance fic because
i love him so much djslsjsk oof

also i might not delete wattpad just be
very inactive for exams and studying.
basically i'll be updating whenever i have
time to do so but other than that i put
my graphic shop on hold and such. i
also requested graphics from people
and i would feel bad if i didn't claim them
after + i still have to write a few updates
for plots that i borrowed from people
so uh yeah.

i did have some memes but i deleted
em all for storage space, rip.

also i have to start doing my tags
because i fell really behind on em
oof, but yeah. today i'll be researching
for my thranduil fic and planning
it and will have a chapter up for my
Matthew Daddario one. Maybe even
plan my Thor one further. if i can get
that done tonight i can write the chapter
for all the king's men in the morning
and then do my socials project. then x 2
on Sunday i can study my ass off for my
science final (but i'm not very worried
since it's split into two portions).

I've been on wattpad for 2 years and
have only even completed like zero
fics so by the end of the summer i
hope to change that (:

I've been on wattpad for 2 years and have only even completed like zero fics so by the end of the summer i hope to change that (:

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