161. 💌

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161. 💌 [spam]
to: dearreaders@gmail.com
topic: imma have the new spam book
up soon (dropping it on jun.28)

here are some "tropes" that i really like
and want to incorporate into my writing:
(tropes in quotes cause some listed aren't)

— friends to enemies to lovers

— friends to lovers

— lovers to friends to enemies

— friends to enemies

— prophecy: oc rejects prophecy, grows as
character and chooses to fight for what's right

— prophecy: oc not caring about if it's
right or wrong, and fighting to
complete the prophecy because they're
bored and don't think they'll die doing it
(borderline gonna use for a villain)

— prophecy: oc rejects prophecy and ends
up fulfilling it accidentally/unknowingly
(basically can you avoid destiny?)

— create two characters that use orange
and blue contrast (wouldn't be the main
ocs but smth to explore)

— morally grey characters/unlikable ocs

— a story told from the villains perspective
but you don't know that until the ending

— villains: screw the rules, i have money

— villains: screw the rules, i make them

— chaotic stupid characters!!!

— unlikable oc: characters not knowing
how their actions effect others until
someone tells them, then trying to act
and be more conscious

— unlikable oc: also the character who tells
them is not used as a plot device but also goes
through a story arc (like: redemption arc
because they used to make the same mistakes)
and both characters just lift each other up

— and: being told not to make the same
mistakes another character did but
going and doing it anyways to learn
through their mistakes (this is me ngl)

— evil character for no reason (like
maleficent from sleeping beauty 1959)

— put jealousy in a character that is the
protagonist so i can talk about how being
jealous shouldn't be seen as evil and is
a completely valid emotion to feel and also
show how to deal with it in a proper manner

— secret lovers

— alternatively: secret friends
(i love this one so much)

you guys can share some that you like
as well, these are just the ones that have
been on my mind for some time — also
if you have fics or know fics that use these
give me some recs because i would love
to read them !!!

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