o41. 💌

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o41. 💌 [spam]
to: dearreaders@gmail.com
subject: exams suck

exams suck and i haven't even
taken one yet but like the only
part of them i hate is the studying
part. i studied one of my units
for science yesterday and now i
gotta do the other which will be
on the first part of the final.

anyways i need you guys to vote
on which fic you'd like to see:

- gamora
- aquaman

it's just to see which one should
be published first, i'm aiming
towards the aquaman one so i
can plan the gamora one further
because it's an au while that one
would be following the Justice
League movie oof

also the bolin fic will be up soon fkdndks

and i saw a spoiler for voltron
s6 (i couldn't finish watching
it on the weekend because exams
oof) and now i feel even more
dead inside than before

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