o88. 💎

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o88. 💎 [guide to my books]
to: dearreaders@gmail.com
topic: guide to all my marvel series

I have way too many books, and I've been meaning to do this for a long time. For people who are interested in knowing how to read my fics, and also for me because your girl is a mess. You guys are gonna go insane when you see what I mean by a 'trilogy,' like, it's not a trilogy but let me have my fun okay? This doesn't even include my real stand-alone books, this is just all my marvel series. (That's a whole other chapter.) I wanted one chapter dedicated to my marvel series, and I'm currently working on organizing my DC and Harry Potter series too. It's going to take me way too long to publish that guide considering that this has been in my drafts for two years and counting. All my books can be found in reading lists pertaining to the series they're in on my second account (@ eddiesbrock). I have my Meet My OCs book on that account as well, if you're curious. Anyways, let me know what you guys think!


series are stand-alones and can be read
alone. there is no specific order and these
books tend to have more happier endings.

Poor Unfortunate Souls | Loki Laufeyson
Ignition | Sam Wilson
Veni, Vidi, Amavi | Stephen Strange
Insomnia | Pietro Maximoff
All That Is Gold | Gamora


THE REVIVALIST SERIES; most of these books
are interconnected but don't need to be
read in a particular order. for example)
all my asgardian ocs are mentioned in these.
it is comprised of asgardian love interests
or other asgardian characters of my creation.
(these mentions are more like easter eggs.)

Lions Den | Loki Laufeyson
Death Before Dishonour | Heimdall
Eccentric | Thor Odinson
Meraki | Tony Stark
Enchantress | Hela Odindottir


KINDRED SPIRITS TRILOGY; this is a trilogy
comprised of love interests revolving around
the spideyverse. it has a total of six books
that goes: 0.0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, & 3

00. Things That Go Bump In The Night | Peter Parker (coming soon)
0.5 Debate Club | Harry Osborn (coming soon)
1.0 Young Love 101 | Flash Thompson
1.5 Sailor Moon | Felicia Hardy
2.0 Battleship | Ned Leeds
2.5 Once Upon A Time | Michelle Jones
(coming soon)
3.0 Prom Queen | Liz Allan (coming soon)


ISLES OF THE UNTAMED; prone to feel
more ethereal in nature. gives off a fairy
tale energy. all books can be read alone
as stand-alones. there is no mention
of my other characters. is a series
dedicated to more under appreciated
marvel characters.

Love Doctor | James Rhodes
Enigma | Helen Cho
Princess & The Frog | Shuri Udaku
Disturbia | Maria Hill
Wish Bone | Jane Foster


book series comprised of characters
with internal conflict. also, let's be honest,
the love interests will also all be (mostly)
asgardians again. i ran out of room in
my 'revivalist series'

Molon Labe | Thor Odinson
Fairy Lore | Lady Sif
Houdini's Guide To Art | Natasha Romanoff
+ More to be added


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