o89. 💌

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o89. 💌 [spam]
to: dearreaders@gmail.com
topic: would anybody be interested in this

ok so i thought up this idea for a tag today
where basically you play F,M,K with your
OCs, (i don't know if that's been done before,
if it has please let me know lmao),
but basically you would take three characters of
you're choosing from each 'genre,' 'book,' 'series,' whatever and then play the game. other people could
also comment their answer for your OCs too
(you'd just have to make a short character bio
or graphic to kinda show them who you're talking
about if you maybe have too many OCs like me).
and it doesn't have to be only three of your OCs
either, it could be as many as you want but like in pairs of three to play the game. so my question is, if no one has ever made this tag before, and i did; would you guys participate in it too?

(if this didn't make sense, please lemme
know so i can explain it better)

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