o36. 💌

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o36. 💌 [spam]
to: dearreaders@gmail.com
subject: my antisocial ass

can i just for the record say that having
a crush sucks big time :/ like uhhhh that
and also i just wanna be in a relationship
with someone and i just wanna have a
bigger friend group. the later and before
ig are partially my fault since i'm so hela
antisocial at school. idk how to talk and
i seldom do because i don't feel very
comfortable around other children,,,
wowie i said it. i say children because in
my eyes they indeed are children by the
way they act -

maybe i should invest myself
in a summer fling idk 🤧

me being desperate for someone to
love me? more likely than you think.

mmmm it's midnight and i'm tired so
it could just be one of those midnight
thoughts thing but in all honesty i
should break out of my shell more and
talk. anyways instead of writing the
matthew fic tonight ima do it tomorrow
since i can barely type this out without
having a spelling error every two words.

good night, guys!

good night, guys!

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