Chapter 2: The blessings

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Percy Jackson's P.O.V:

   Gone. They were all gone. Piper? She was trying to charmspeak some empousai, but Kelli beat her and got the others to kill her. Jason? He dropped from the sky and bumped on a massive rock, breaking his back and neck. Hazel? The earth opened up and she fell into a large abyss that probably led to Tartarus. Frank? A giant crashed him while he was crying over his lost love. But the one that hurt the most was Annabeth. She got stabbed several times in the stomach, then in the heart. It made anger boil up inside me. Soon, that anger turned into a massive surge of energy. How dare them kill my friends? And most importantly my girlfriend? I looked down at Gaea to see a scared expression on her face. Wait... down? I looked around me to see that I was in the middle of my personal tornado. But I was too furious to care about that. I focused on Gaea and got her to raise into the air. She was begging for me to stop. I locked eyes with her, mine burning with hatred, and said  "Why would I stop?! You didn't have mercy on my friends! So explain to me why I should stop!". I got the weapons of my friends to rise and placed them in front of the earth goddess. She looked at them in fear, then turned her gaze to me saying " I hope you like my little surprise Perseus Jackson!". With that, all of the blades cut through her, killing her instantly. I stopped the storm I had created and before I could reach the ground, I was flashed into the throne room of Olympus.

  I felt tears form in my eyes, so I looked down, not wanting to cry in front of the Olympians. I tried to hold back my tears, but it was too much, so I just burst into tears. I felt someone hugging me, so I looked up, and, to my greatest surprise, it was Athena. Tears were flowing down her cheeks, and you could see she was hurt. A lot. "Perseus Jackson, for all of your brave acts, and for saving olympus twice, we offer you a wish" Zeus declared. "Thank you, Lord Zeus. I would like to split my wish into two parts, do you accept?" I asked. "Of course!" Zeus exclaimed "It is the least we can do to you after everything you went through for us". "I wish for Lady Hestia and Lord Hades to become part of the Olympians, also, I would like you to forget about the Ancient Law that forbids you to help your children." Zeus seemed to hesitate. I understood him, since I was asking him to erase a law that lasted more than a million years. "I guess I can do that" said the lord of the skies "After all, we don't want what happened today to happen again." With that, he snapped his fingers, and two thrones appeared on the end of the large olympian council room. One was a huge black onyx throne decorated with many skulls, precious metals and jewels, and the other was a plain wooden throne with a white woollen cushion. Hades and Hestia looked at me gratefully and sat on their new thrones. Then, Zeus said " Perseus, we would like to bless you, so will you accept?" " Umm... yea, why not" was my smart answer.

  All of the Olympians stood up, and each one of them started to make a beam of energy in their hands, while chanting in Ancient Greek. They then stopped and shot the beams of energy at me. The balls met halfway through their paces and formed a large ball. It hit me hard in the chest. Suddenly, pain filled my body, and it was the only think I felt. It was so intense I fell to the ground screaming, tears forming in my eyes again. When it stopped, I felt ten times stronger than before, and I did not like it. Then, each one of the gods told me what their blessings could make me do, and I went to my house. I really wanted some peace, and the only way I could get it was by going to my mother's place. Little did I know that what was waiting for me would never let me be peaceful again. NEVER.

A/N: Heyziz! I hope this is good enough for ya. I slept really late to finish this sooo... yea. I won't be able to update a lot until Friday cuz I've got exams so don't expect much from me kayz? Byeee😋😊



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