Chapter 3: The surprise

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A/N: Heyzz! I just needed to say that the italics are Percy's thoughts. Okay... sooo... hope you enjoy the story. Byeee😋😊

Percy Jackson's P.O.V:

   I was on my way to my mom's apartment, deep in thought. I remembered what Gaea said before I killed her. She said she had a surprise for me, but of course, it could not be a good one, since we're talking about Gaea here. I wandered what she had done to make me miserable. When I arrived close enough to see part of the building my mom lived in, I saw that it collapsed. That was when it hit me, well both physically and mentally, since I bumped into someone. I quickly helped her up and ran to the ruins of the once big building. I heard a journalist say that there were some people in the building when an earthquake happened. I knew Gaea did this because she was the earth goddess after all, so I was pretty much sure that she had done this. 'Hey! He didn't say my mom was there, and, if she was, he didn't say that people died! She could have survived!' I thought. But of course, with my terrible luck, the journalist announced that people did die, and he started listing them. "...Catherine Bernard, Thomas Vilia, Paul Blofis, Sally Blofis, Bob Babbler..."

   I couldn't believe it. mom...she was dead...gone. I was alone, with no one to help me, to comfort me when things went wrong. I had no one to protect, no purpose in this life. I sat on the floor, my back leaning on a wall, crying my heart out. I stayed there until they got the bodies. I looked up to see my mom's and Paul's bodies being carried away. I stood up and ran to where they laid my parent's corpses. I dropped to my knees, holding my mother's body, crying into her hair. I guess I stayed like that for a long time, because someone came and tried to get me to let go. I wouldn't budge. That's when something hit me on the back. Suddenly, my eyelids got heavier and heavier, and I could barely keep my eyes open. I looked up to see who my aggressor was, but I had a blurred vision as it was getting impossible for me to stay awake. "We'll take him to the Weasley's so he can rest" was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

A/N: I feel bad killing all of Percy's friends and family. Poor little guy *wipes away tears* oh well, it is for the story, so don't think that I'm heartless kayz?? Tanks uzz and byeeee😁😊

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