Chapter 12: What?

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Ron Weasley's P.O.V:

I absolutely HATED Percy. He obviously thought that he was the best. He just wanted all of the girls to fall for him. The worst part was that Hermione was falling for it. But, I couldn't worry about that, cause I was sitting at the dining table, and I did not wish to be disrespectful to the food.

When we, the Golden Trio, finished our plates, we ran up the stairs to Percy's room. We silently walked to the door and put one ear each to the wood. We heard some hushed voices discussing god knows what. We couldn't make out what was being said. I tried to press my ear a bit harder to the door. Big mistake. While doing that, the parquet squeaked under my weight. We froze waiting for some sort of reaction from inside. Since nothing happened, I reconnected my ear with the door. There were no more voices. Everything went silent.

Then, suddenly, the door flew open, leaving us nothing to lay on, so our glory faces hit the dusty floor. We looked up only to see three murderous glares directed to us. One of them was more directed to me and Harry than to Hermione. I wandered why (dunno, maybe cuz she generally hates men). "Soo...what were you three doing at my door, huh?" asked Percy. "See? I told you guys that spell didn't change the room to what we want it to be!" was Hermione's reply. "Huh? What spell?" Harry and I questioned in sink. From the look on Hermione's face, that wasn't the right thing to say.

"Nice try, bush head. Unfortunately for you, your friends are even thicker than Kelp Head over here. So, why were you eavesdropping on us?" said the girl, whose name I think was Thalia. But, before we could come up with a clever answer to get out of this situation, we heard a scream downstairs, then an inhuman growl. We all rushed towards the sound. Of course, Hermione, Harry and I arrived in front of the trio of Losers who were probably too scared after hearing the growl. What we saw made us freeze in place. Well, not all of us. The three new teens seemed to curse under their breaths before walking up in front of us.

A/N: Hello again! Sorry for the super extra late update. I was thinking of umm discontinuing this book amd start my other one. But my dad convinced me to keep going. So yaayy! I think I'm going to update the other story as well. But I'm not sure sooo...what do you think? Sorry again for being soooooo late, tank uzz and byeeee😅♥️

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