Chapter 9: Shopping trip

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Harry Potter's P.O.V:

  Here we were, heading to Diagon Ally, to shop for our seventh year at Hogwarts. We, the Golden trio, didn't need to go back. We didn't want to go back. Well, except for Hermione of course. But, Ron and me were going because the Percy guy looked suspicious. I mean, we didn't know anything about him, he didn't participate in the war against Voldemort, and when it was over, he appeared out of nowhere. I was pretty sure he was a Death Eater, and that he came to figure a way to bring his master back to life.

   I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts by a gasp. I looked to the source of the sound, and I saw a wide eyed Perseus. "Wooww! That. Is. AMAZING!! Can you find everything here?!" he asked. "Yes, of course! This is a wizards ally after all" responded Ron. "Even blue cookies?!" he asked again. What? Blue cookies? He's weird. That's what makes me think he's a death eater. "Getting excited over blue cookies. How pathetic!" I said. He sent me his worst glare. I won't lie, it was scary. I tried not to flinch, but was unsuccessful. He seemed satisfied, so he walked forward with Molly. We got every single book we needed and still didn't see Perseus's friends.

   We were heading to Ollivander's (spelling?), when we saw two teenagers standing in front of the shop, along with Dumbdoor. One of them was a boy. He had black hair, a little too long for a boy, and black eyes. He had a pale skin and bags under his eyes. All of his clothes were black. The other one was a girl. She was pretty. She had short black hair, and a blue stripe in it. Her eyes were an electric blue, and she had thin lips. Once they saw Perseus, they ran to him and tackled him in a big hug. I looked at the girl and opened my mouth to talk to her. She gave me a glare and said "Save it, boy. You try to talk to me, and consider yourself gone. Kay?". That's what made me determined to get her.

A/N: Voilà! Chapter 9... Done! I'm glad it's finished. Sorry if it's bad, but I wasn't really focused. The nest chapter will be better, I promise. Byeeee😊😊

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