Chapter 13

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Percy Jackson's P.O.V:

Fantastic. That was just fan-flipping-tastic! I couldn't believe it.
How did it even get to us?! I pulled Riptide out of my pocket, in pen form of course, and held it firmly, my gaze fixed on the Hell-hound in front of me. Its red eyes were glancing between us three demigods, as if it couldn't decide who to attack first. Just as I was about to slowly sneek behind it and charge, it seemed to have made its decision.

It turned its rage filled glare on me before letting out a furious growl and launching forwards. Oh, lucky me! I quickly stepped aside and, fortunately for them, the three arrogant wizards followed my lead. The monster flew past us and slammed face first into the wall behind, which cracked on the impact. I turned around and uncapped Riptide, letting its long bronze blade shine in the afternoon sun. From the corner of my eye, I saw everyone looking between me and the monster with scared expressions. Well, everyone except for Thalia and Nico, who were smiling widely, knowing it wasn't hard for me to kill the Hell-hound. I stepped next to the monster and brought my sword downwards, slicing through the beast's neck. A long agonizing howl was heard before the monster burst into golden dust, covering the floor and myself with its remains.

              ○●○● Time skip ○●○●

After cleaning up the mess I unwillingly made, everyone gathered around the dining table to discuss what happened. Unfortunately, the adults wanted Thalia, Nico and I to say what we knew, since we clearly weren't surprised by earlier's events. They expected us to tell them the truth, and they wouldn't let us go if they weren't satisfied with our answers. I glanced over to my cousins, asking them the same silent question I have been trying to ask for the past hour. They quietly shook their heads, signalling me they had no idea what to tell the adults anymore. We tried everything that came to mind. 

"Look kids, if you don't tell us what happened, we're gonna have to get it out from you by force. I really don't want it to end that way, so for the last time, what exactly happened with that...that... that thing?" said Mr. Weasley.
"Listen boy, we already told you what happened. It's either you believe us or not." replied Thalia.
"Oh really? So the thing was truly your pet, ant it has turned evil, god knows how, so Percy here just decided to kill it. And when he did it disappeared, and all of the golden dust, that we had to clean just a couple of minutes ago, was just a show of light. Did I miss something?"
"Nope. Glad you finally understand. Can we go now ?" I said a bit briskly.
"We're sorry, but you can't go. We still are unsatisfied with your answer."
"But we...
I didn't get to finish what I was about to say as a faint 'pop' came from the outside. Seconds later, Dumbledore entered from the back door, looked all over the room, and said:
"Percy, I think I will be explaining everything. You and your friends may go upstairs now."
"But, you can't..."
"Perseus. Please. I have to tell them about our project. It went out of control and it is dangerous to keep it a secret. Now go."

I looked at my friends and nodded, letting them know it's okay. I knew Dumbledore had a plan because of this mischievous twinkle in his eyes. We walked upstairs in silence. If the monster attacks increased during our stay here, I don't know if any of these people would believe what Dumbledore says anymore.

A/N: Heyy!! Here's the thirteenth chapter. Hope you like it. I didn't really know what to name this, so I just left it like that. Tank uzz and byeee😊♥️

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