Chapter 5: The arrival

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Hermione Granger's P.O.V:

   Harry, Ron and I were sitting in the living room along with all of the Weasley family. We were all dressed up for the arrival of the three strangers. We (the Golden Trio) did not understand why we had to be here. We tried to convince the Weasley parents to just let us go, but they wouldn't accept! That angered us soooo much! I mean, after all of what we did they oblige us to sit and wait for newbies!

   Finally, Dumbdoor, as Harry told us to call him, apparated in front of us with Snape. They were holding the most good looking boy I have EVER seen. He looked like Harry, a much better version of Harry may I say. He had amazing windswept black hair that fell on his closed eyes. His face was beyond perfection. He had godly beauty and I just wanted him to be mine.

   Suddenly, he opened his eyelids revealing his stunning sea green irises. If you looked closely, you could see his iris was awash in a balance of gold and blue that evens out the brilliant sea green. He looked around confused, then alerted. He jumped from his place in Dumbdoor's and Snape's arms and got into what I figured was a defensive stance. He reached his hand into his pocket, as if it had something that could protect him. I was going to talk to him, to calm him down and be his first friend here, but as soon as the boy saw Snape, his eyes grew wide and he exclaimed "Sev?! Is that you?". I was shocked. How did he know Snape?! He called him Sev so he must be his friend. Ughh. So much for being his first friend. When Snape saw all the confusing looks everyone was giving him, and the glare I sent him, he told us that he would explain later. Everyone agreed. Well everyone except Harry, Ron and I. But they just ignored us. Rude. Oh well, guess I'll have to wait, just like everybody else. I hate being treated like everybody else. Ugghhh!

A/N: Okaayyy, here's one more chapter. Phew. I didn't think I would be able to finish this today. Guess we're lucky. Hope you like it. Byyeeeee😊😊

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