Chapter 8: Die Agon Ally??

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Percy Jackson's P.O.V:

It was night time, but I couldn't sleep. I didn't want to sleep. Because as soon as I closed my eyes, I would dream of horrible things: my pleasant time in Tartarus, or the amazing and non-dangerous adventures that awaits me in the future!(please note the sarcasm and thank you). As much as I'd LOOOOVE to know how I will put my life in great danger again, I'd also like to sleep comfortably for once, without worrying about having nightmares or flashbacks. But, I couldn't help it. I was tired, and I needed rest. So before I knew it, I was dreaming about me and..her.

We were back in Tartarus. I was severely injured from all the curses I got (how wonderful! I should thank the arai for the amazing gifts!). I was lying on the floor, while Ann... she was stumbling between the lines of the ennemie. She was blind and she thought I had left her. She was desperately calling my name, asking why I had abandoned her like that. You could easily tell she was heartbroken and scared. Seeing her like this broke my heart. I turned to the monsters, begging for them to stop. To let her go. But they wouldn't listen. They would tell me that I had to suffer what I made others suffer. I turned my gaze to her, tears running down my cheeks. It was too much...

I was suddenly awoken by Molly. She had a worried look on her face. I looked around me and saw everyone gathered in my room. When I realised what happened, I slightly blushed and asked "I was screaming in my sleep, wasn't I?" They nodded. "Sorry. I have a lot of nightmares about... things. Sooo... it might happen frequently. I'm going to put a sound barrier so I won't bother you again." I said. I knew they were curious about the nightmare, especially the Hermione girl. I just wished they didn't start an investigation like... she would have. When they all got out of my room, I got up and made a sound barrier around my bed. Good thing Hecate's blessing let me use magic without a wand. I tried to go back to sleep, but I couldn't, so I put on some clothes and went out for a little morning run.

After 30 minutes, I think, I returned to the Burrow to find everyone up, running around the house, screaming my name. "Wow. I never thought you'd miss me that much" I said. "Perseus..." started Molly. "It's Percy. Just Percy" "Okay 'just Percy'. Where were you?" Asked Harry sounding suspicious. "Okay. I confess. I did a horrible thing! I...I went outside for a morning run! I'm so sorry!" I said dramatically. Harry and...Ron?... yes it was Ron, were glaring at me, but the twins were snickering at my sassiness. OH YEA BABY! PERSASSY IN THE HOUSE!

Anyway, Molly stepped forward and told me we were going to die agon ally But before she could finish her sentence, I said "Oh, so your telling me we're heading right to our death? Cool. How about we take some popcorn with us in case it got boring, yea?". "Wha...? Oh no, dear, we are going to Diagon Ally. It's where we're getting your things from." Reassured me the Weasley mother. I sighed in relief. "And, dear, your friends are meeting us there. They will go with Dumbledore." "Yea thanks. Sooo...are we going or not?".

A/N:Chapter 8?... Check✔. Hope it's good. If there is anything you think needs to be changed please tell me. Tank uzz and byeee😊♥️

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