Run Away.

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Now that I've forgiven Justin about his mistake, I just hope he finds it somewhere in his heart to do the same for me when the time comes. During dinner, you could say we had a great time by talking and catching up with each other. The good thing is that we didn't bring up the good and bad when we were together. Bad as I wanted to talk about it, he didn't say anything about it. We waited outside for the valet person to bring the car.

"Are you cold?" He asked seeing me rubbing my arm. I shook my head; he takes his jacket off, putting it around me. I gave him a faint smile. "The night isn't over just yet, I want to show you something," He tells me. Soon as the valet person pulled up in front of us, Justin opened the door for me. I got inside putting my seatbelt on as he got in on the other side, driving off. The car ride was long and quiet I wanted to turn my phone on and call Rhett, but I thought it would be rude to do that since I'm out with my ex-boyfriend. The car started to slow down a little; we were on a hill. He puts the car in park turning the engine off. "Have you ever wanted to be somewhere high where you can view the whole city? This is my favorite spot. Came here when I was old enough to drive and run away from home when my crazy-ass mother was high on drugs. I remember that night; she told me she hated me because I ruined her relationship with a drug dealer and that I was a mistake. Shit like that- words like that, it scars people for the rest of their lives. That shit never leaves, the good thing about it is I would never say that to my kid. I always thought it was a getaway for me y'know to go far away, where no one could find me. I thought about doing that then and...a couple of weeks ago. Just run away from my career and dealing with everyone's bullshit. Something stopped me; I just couldn't figure out what it was. I'm not used to being alone, maybe that's why I dated so many crazy psychopaths because I was desperate enough to have someone in my life. Then once I couldn't get you I got angry and angrier, my heart was hungry Adrian. You were my first love. I couldn't leave. Not without you with me there by my side starting over with me. Maybe that's what stopped me."

"It's okay to be alone Justin. You don't need to depend on someone else for love and happiness. Maybe that's where the drugs came in. Popping pills, cocaine, weed, drinking. Justin, what were you thinking? Stop doing that. Stop trying to numb away the pain and try to forget it all; it's not gonna work. It took a lot for my dad to stop drinking after my mom passed, he would get so angry that he would throw things and throw a fit because it hurt him so much that the love of his life passed away. But this isn't about him it's about you. Things that you love the most can kill you, and that's what I learned being with you. I loved you so much that being with you was dangerous and I ended up dying. Don't take the easy way out; you have to face your problems just like everyone else in the world does. I know you're strong Justin, and I know what being alone feels like. It's okay not to be okay; you don't always have to be optimistic and happy all the time. We have our days, but just because a day isn't going the way you want it to be doesn't mean it's the end of the world." I said. He smiled at me a little. We stared at each other which led into a kiss. I did feel guilty about this, but it just felt so right to have his lips against mine. I removed his jacket from over my shoulders climbing on top of him, without breaking the kiss.

"Ow, ow my leg." He chuckled pulling away

"I'm sorry. Is that better?" I asked moving around to find a comfortable position for him.
"Much better." He says beginning to kiss me again. He pulls away pulling the straps of my dress down off my shoulders, I looked at him and smiled. He held my tits in his hand sucking on nipples. As I bit my bottom lip running my fingers through his hair. He kisses the space between my tits sucking the other tit.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asks I nod kissing him. I reached down underneath me unbuckling his belt pulling his pants down a little along with his boxers. As I entered it inside of me, I gasped a little holding onto his shoulder. "Oh, fuck." I moaned, he moved his eyes on me grabbing me by my hips pulling my body down.

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