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There's something about Adrian that makes me give in. You can say that I'm head over heels for this girl, I get it she was pregnant with my baby, helped me in various circumstances, but that's not the only reason why I love her. Adrian's real, something that many girls have problems with being. She doesn't care if my emotions are hurt or not, it's not that I'm scared of losing her, I'm terrified of forgetting about her. I'm sitting at a booth in a coffee shop in Atlanta; I've been trying to find her over months now after I came back from touring. It's a long story to get into, but soon, I will tell you why we aren't on speaking terms.

"I told you not to find me." I heard her say standing from behind me. "Who told you I moved here? Kathy? You do know we had a fight and she wasn't talking to me right?"

"Yeah. I peeped at your passport, and I kinda remember you telling me about Atlanta months ago, can we talk? I want to talk. Please, sit down." I said. She sits down in front of me waiting for me to speak. "Can I get you anything? Coffee, tea?"

"No, I don't want anything."

"You're upset, and you have every right to be. My contract isn't up until another two years. I've been trying so hard to figure everything out with the label and with you. I had to come to find you; I knew you were in trouble."

"Justin you're obsessed with me, I love that about you but I can't. I can't keep doing this. I left so that you could move on from me, but obviously, that didn't work."

"Wow, at first you were angry that I was obsessed with myself, but now you're upset with me being obsessed with you. I can't move on from you don't you get that, I'm attached, there's nothing you can do about that."

"You're right; there's nothing I can do. I don't hate you; I don't want you to think I do. I think it's the right thing to do. We both had this urge being together and think everything would turn out the way it was supposed to be and how it was supposed to be...things change. Doing the right thing doesn't always make a person happy. Sadly, I'm still not happy." She snickered trying to keep herself from crying.

"But- I love you. Adrian, I admire you, I can't cope with the fact that you're gone. I understand that I'm fucked up, but I'm trying here."

"I love you too Justin, you want something real with someone, but I can't give that to you. I just can't okay. I can't." She weeps grabbing her things storming outside. I looked out of the window, she stopped beginning to cry trying to pull herself together. I threw a twenty-dollar bill on the table and finished my coffee, I wanted to let her be and walk away but I couldn't.

"Go talk to her before she leaves for the hundredth time," Kathy says pissed off, sitting in front of me.

"She doesn't want me to talk to her. I think she's still pissed at you. Thanks for y'know talking her into meeting me here, but it seemed like a waste of time. She wanted me to move on, and I can't. I got a hold on her. If I let her go...I'm letting Adriana go too."

"You have got to move on from Adriana; you're not the only person that lost her. Adrian had to deal with that too, Kristie, me, and so did Dan. You can move on from someone and not forget about them. The only reason I'm helping you is because Adrian is selfish...she still loves you, and it's stupid what you're trying to prove to each other. This has been going on since day one, and it seems that you can't stay together for some odd reason. I understand where she's coming from. When you love someone so dearly, but you can't have them. Not all relationships last or have a happy ending, but this one does. I honestly don't care if she's pissed at me because she knows how I am. She knows I will tell the truth no matter how much she hates it. Adrian is a headache, and she's a difficult person but reason with her."

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