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I sighed and went inside the house seeing Rhett come downstairs with bags in his hands sitting them down on the floor. He puts his hands in his pockets taking a deep breath waiting for me to speak.

"I'm a disgusting person I know that. It's okay that you won't forgive me for what I've done. Yes, I did have an affair with Justin, and yes he was talking about me at lunch. You can hate me all you want; I think I deserve that. I-I know, I deserve that. I even hate myself for hurting you and putting you in this situation. The truth is, Justin and I dated a while back. I had a baby by him but...I lost it. I got pushed down the stairs by his crazy publicity girlfriend and lost her. We were friends with benefits, but we dated for a while and then decided to get married but..that didn't work out because he got another girl pregnant. I haven't been so honest with you, and I regret that too, you're an amazing guy. And I don't want you to become an asshole to any other girl because of what I did, I'm sorry."

"Adrian-" He started to say taking a deep breath again before speaking. "I love you. I always have, from the first moment I met you, I knew you were different. But being different can fool someone into thinking they're not. I'm not going to change how I am because of what you've done; I'm better than that. You're everything to me, always will be. You could've told me the truth about everything instead of lying to me; I would've understood. Tell me...when I was calling, and you wouldn't answer were you with Justin?"

"Yes. I didn't want to hurt any of you. I wanted to tell the truth and stop living in lies but, I was indecisive about getting married."

"You could've told me. I wouldn't have compelled you into doing anything you didn't want to do."

"I couldn't. Seeing you on one knee in front of all your co-workers, I couldn't turn you down. I didn't want to humiliate you in front of the whole company Rhett. I'm sorry I put you through all of this."

"What does he give you that I don't?" He asks.

"Attention. He gives me attention; you're always gone-"

"Don't use that shit as an excuse Adrian; I do it for us! That's why I'm always gone! I got us this beautiful ass house, put nice clothes on your back, give you whatever you wanted, and this is how you repay me? By sleeping with my cousin!" He yells. I could tell he was irritated by the tone in his voice. I had it coming. He was right; I feel trashy for even doing it to both of them.

"I'm sorry. I still love Justin."

"And that's fine; it's common to have feelings for your first love. But it's crazy because I still love you after the shit you've pulled. You're my first love; I thought we had something special here."

"We did. Rhett, it wasn't about the money or anything like that. It was because you treated me like royalty."

"How does Justin treat you? He's my cousin and all, but he's an asshole. He's fucking crazy, just like his brother Jason. You didn't have to tell me about you and Justin because I figured it out. Your friend, Kathy, told me everything before I came. I was just hoping you would come clean, but you didn't. Look, I have to go back to Miami. I forgive you for what you've done, but I won't forget. The proposal is still on the table if you want to come work with me. But just as friends and only as friends." He says. I nod my head corresponding with his offer. He kisses my head grabbing his bag leaving. After he left, I noticed that Kathy has been backstabbing me by telling Justin and Rhett about my dirty laundry. The thought of it made me angry; this wouldn't have happened if she opened her mouth to both of them. I went to the bar knowing that would be my comfort zone, knowing I lost two guys in my life that loved me. You could say it was all my fault, but Justin was in the wrong too. This whole love triangle is a disaster, and I'm happy it didn't end in the way I thought it would. I took another sip of my drink pleading for another one.

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