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I got tired of waiting for him to be conscious so I poured another glass of wine launching it onto him.
"Wake up asshole," I said.

"Adrian, what the fuck! I got a massive headache, why am I tied up?"

"Because I'm sick of insulting assholes like you. I moved away from a bad place for a fresh start to get away from all the mess I was into. I was especially getting away from my abusive ex. I thought moving here would be a break for me, but it's not. I'm done being a victim Kyle. You fucked up big time by hitting me, leaving me with this bruise on my face."

"I'm sorry Adrian, I didn't mean to do it. It was a reflex; I thought we were friends."

"I thought we were too! I've heard it all, the I'm sorry's, I didn't mean it, it was just that one time. It was lies. I was stupid and naive, embarrassed that someone I thought I loved whooped my ass every day, he didn't care who saw. Maybe it was my fault, maybe I should've stayed with Justin I don't know. At least he didn't beat my ass. God, I'm so fucking stupid."

"I'm sorry okay. About everything you've gone through. You're an amazing girl. I was just jealous about the way you carried yourself last night."

"I know you like me, Kyle; I'm not blind. I'm not getting into another relationship. I'm not ready; I'm a cheater, I cheated on my ex-husband with my ex-boyfriend. It's complicated. Don't fall in love with me; I'm not shit. Once you do fall in love with me, it's hard to stop. Believe me; I've tried my best to make him move on. It's not my fault. He's amazing, and he took care of me when no other guy would. Treated me like royalty. It wasn't about the money; it was about his charm. And how sweet and funny he was."

"Sorry, who are you talking about? I'm getting confused between these three guys."

"Justin. I'm talking about Justin. I will always love him but, I can't. I can't be with him." I said.

"What are you trying to prove Adrian? To yourself, if you love him and he loves you, be with him. I get that you don't believe in fantasies and forever but come on."

"Mind your damn business okay. It's more than just being with each other. I can't. I want him and then I don't, I'm tired of being confused, so I ended it. Anyways enough of him, this is about you. What is it that makes you put your hands on women? Saw your dad beat your mom when you were little? Perhaps a relative beating someone's ass and you decide to imitate them once you got older, please tell me why."

"My mom's boyfriend was a meth head. He hated me; she would do anything for him. Not even her own son, you know it's fucked up when someone you barely know gets more love than someone you've birthed and raised. She would kick me out for no reason because she thought I would be a burden to him. I seen him hit on her one time, she apologized for it, and she didn't even do anything wrong. Just forgot to get a pack of fucking cigarettes after she came home from work. I fucking hated him, I mean I was just twelve years old being kicked out of my home for that. We all have a story to tell Adrian; I know you're no better than me."

"I'm not. But just because you've experienced, that doesn't mean you have to mimic him. Taunting girls like me, is that what you want? Girls to be afraid of you, scared even to date you or marry you. Us women put up with a lot of shit, and we're so strong that we hide it from men, we're human too you know. We're not your goddamn property, something you can just use and throw away. I thought about killing you. But it wouldn't make me feel better; I'm trying to do better with my life. I just don't want to see you ever again, but if I do hear you've hit another woman or worse, then I will kill you. That's been promised a lot lately, but I do mean that." I said cutting the tape from his ankles and wrists. "Get the fuck out," I said. He rubs his wrists getting up leaving. I sighed sitting the gun down on the countertop. I went upstairs and packed a few things for a couple of days. I grabbed my foundation powder to cover up the bruise, it was a tough one, so I blended it in with some blush. I headed to the airport walking towards the desk. "I need a plane ticket to Vegas," I said politely handing her my credit card. Soon as I got my ticket, my flight got called, I was ready to leave and see Justin.

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