Chapter Seven

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The rest of my weekend was spent doing chores. After I'd returned later then usual and covered in paint, Reida had yelled and screamed about responsibilities, threatening to go to the Enforcer if I continued to slack.

Sunday, Tobias had come into the basement looking for me and found me doing laundry alone. I was surprised when he started helping and chatting about random things. I'd never had fun doing my chores, they were just something that needed to be done. But Tobias seemed to make everything fun.

Today I had my appointment with Dr. Aster. What he'd given me had worn off and I blocked my wolf like I had been doing for years. Although I could feel him trying to force his way out around Tobias and I worried that he might before we made it to the doctor.

Dr. Aster had Tobias wait in the lobby, not wanting anything to distract me as we sat down in his office. He had instructed me on only letting him surface a little bit at a time. It was only enough so that I was aware he was there but even that made my head ache. What was worse, he wasn't happy. I could understand why but it made trying to reconnect so much harder.

The doctor was supervising my heart rate and when it stayed steady, he nodded for me to continue.

I sighed, imagining the wall I've built to block him and now I was taking it down brick by brick. It was odd having that constant presence there again. I had blocked this part of me years ago in fear, but he's not just a part of me, he is me.

"Tell me how you're doing, Samuel." Dr. Aster spoke softly, not wanting to distract me but also wanting to make sure I wasn't in any sort of pain.

"H– He's whining." I admitted, feeling his sadness but also his want, no, his need to see his mate. So then it's true, Tobias is really my mate. My lips lifted in a small smile.

"That can only be natural, he's been in the dark for years." I swallowed, feeling guilty but only slightly. If he would have told me what happened that night so many years ago, I wouldn't have lost my trust in him.

"Can Tobias come in?" I looked up at the doctor, trying to plead with my eyes.

"That might be too much for him so soon. Lets focus on getting him to surface some more right now." I nodded.

"I'm sorry."

I jumped a little, hearing him for the first time in so long was strange. Having another being in my head was strange but I have to remember he's a part of me, he's me. I have control over him. Well, to a extent. I obviously don't have enough control for him to tell me what happened.

"Everything okay?" I nodded. "Words, Samuel."

I wet my dry lips. "Y–yeah..." I trailed off, still listening to my wolf's whines. My head was starting to hurt now and my palms were sweating, I wiped them on my jeans.

"I think this is enough for today. I'm impressed with the progress you've made already." Dr. Aster stood from the high back chair he was sitting in and came over to remove the clip thingy on my finger. "I think it would be best if you keep him at a low level of interaction but it may be best to block him again while around your mate. He could become excited and try to force his way out again." My wolf whined louder at his suggestion, his pain brought tears to my eyes and I wiped them away before they could fall.

"I promise! I promise I'll be good. Please, please let me see our mate!"

I wiped more tears away. "Um, I think, I think he should meet Tobias." Dr. Aster raised a brow as he switched off the monitor.

"If you think that's what's best." I nodded, wanting to sooth my sad wolf. "Very well, then."

The doctor led the way out to the front where Tobias was talking with the receptionist. She was an older human that knew about us and was mated to a wolf. Tobias bounced out of his seat and smiled at me.

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