Chapter Nine

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Later in the day I was on my hands and knees, pulling weeds from the colorful flowers lining the front of the house. It was one of my chores that I actually enjoyed. The sun was high in the sky, warming my back and bees were buzzing. My hands were covered in dirt and the smell of the sweet flowers was strong. My wolf wanted to roll around in them. He'd been keeping me company, even if he was a little odd.

A soccer ball rolled beside me and I looked up to see a pup running towards me. He was about as big as me already and I wondered what they were feeding him. He couldn't be no older then ten, he was unshifted.

I rolled the ball towards him so he didn't have to run all the way over and was surprised when he smiled.

"Thanks!" He shouted before turning around to join the others again. I smiled at the flowers. All wolves want to care for and protect pups, it's a pack thing, but I wasn't allowed near them and it left that part of me longing. It was even worse now with my wolf unblocked.

I stood up and dusted off my knees, noticing Oliver sitting on the front steps. Remembering what Tobias and I had witnessed, I smirked and walked over to him. He looked up at me with his usual glare that I'd grown use to.

"Hey!" I chirped, making him snarl.

"What do you want?" His eyes shifted so he was looking behind me and I glanced back, not seeing anyone.

"We're friends, do we need a reason to talk?" I fidgeted with my fingers, expecting him to deny our friendship before storming off. Surprisingly, he sighed.

"No, Pu– Samuel, what do you want to talk about?" My eyes grew and I smiled, hesitantly sitting beside him but still keeping some space between us.

"Well, we can talk about anything." I shrugged. "How is your day going?" He glanced at me from the corner of his eye and seemed to think over the question. His eyes seemed to darken and I turned to look out in the yard. I smiled at the sight of Tobias walking with Garret and Ian.

Oliver stood abruptly. "My days have been shit ever since that asshole showed up!" Oliver shouted, making sure everyone in the yard heard. I scooted away some as the omega clenched his fist.

"What was that, baby? You want some more?!" Ian shouted back. My jaw hung as I looked from one to the other. Others were staring and I was scared they were going to fight.

"Fuck you!" Oliver roared.

"Only if you ask nicely!" The huge male was grinning like a loon and Oliver was shaking from contained anger.

All was silent as everyone watched between the two, enjoying the show. Oliver growled lowly before storming down the steps. I jumped up, not knowing what exactly to do as he went after the male that stood waiting for him.

I don't think anyone expected Oliver to jump on him, not to attack but to kiss. Although it looked as aggressive as a punch would have been. And they were really going at it, not caring who was around.

Tobias was still laughing when he reached me. I frowned when I noticed his knuckles were bloody and raw looking. That had to be painful.

"What's wrong?" He asked, noticing my expression.

"You should go get those cleaned." I pointed to his hands and he looked down at them before smiling.

"Of course." He kissed my cheek and my face warmed. "By the way, you're having dinner with my family tonight." He dropped an arm over my shoulders and led me into the house. I glanced back to see Oliver push Ian away only to pull him back for another kiss. I shook my head at the weird males before realizing what Tobias had said.

"What?!" I squeaked.

"Dinner. Tonight. Seven o'clock. Be ready." He kissed my forehead and I watched wide eyed as he sauntered away. Dinner? Tonight? With the Alpha family?! This was my chance. I should run.

Just this morning I'd met the Luna and she most definitely did not like me. This was destined to not go well. And what will I wear? I only have so many options. I looked down at my dirt covered clothes and cringed.

Well how bad can it really go? I already don't expect them to like me. I mean, it could end in my early demise.

"Don't be so dramatic."

I could basically hear my wolf rolling his eyes. I nibbled on my lip and tugged at my curls.

A female omega pressed a bucket of soapy water into my chest and I had to grab it or risk it spilling. "Puke in the den."


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