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Flames, the searing heat burns the hair on my arms off. I can hear my parents screaming out my name, but I am trapped, and can not get to them. I hear another voice at my window. "Grab something close to you and get out of there kid!" I grab the bear next to my bed and jump. I hope my parents are okay. The last thing I see is blue.

The boy wakes in a cold sweat, but strangely warm. A small teddy bear lies near him, a blue ribbon around its neck, hiding layers of stitching. A couple of cardboard boxes on top of him shift, exposing him more to the elements. As he pulled the cardboard towards him, the sound of footsteps could be heard. There was at least three people coming towards him.

"Alex, this better not be another one of your hallucinations." A soft-spoken British male said sternly.

"David, the last two weren't some sort of apparition." Alex replied.

"Ya, it was a cat, dumme hode." Someone else replied, a harsh Norwegian accent.

"Hvorfor er du så dum, Spencer?" Alex asked. The boy heard Spencer stuttering, trying to come up with an answer. He laughed, and Alex snapped his head towards the sound. He walked silently towards the boy, who was holding his breath. He suddenly cried out, for Alex had stepped on his arm.

"Get off of me!" The boy cried out. Alex took a step back, startled.

"Kid, calm down! What are you doing out here like this?" Alex asked, glaring at Spencer and David.

"Well, family's dead, house burned down, no living relatives, the gist." The boy replied sarcastically.

"Alex, we explored your little phenomenon and this side of London, it's time to go. Og bli kvitt barnet, for Guds skyld." Spencer said gruffly. Alex rolled his eyes.

"Hvorfor gjør du det ikke, for Guds skyld?" Alex replied. Spencer smiled, and the boy felt a shiver down his back.

"Hans synder vil fortelle sin skjebne." Spencer whispered. He launched himself at the boy. Spencer suddenly hit the wall, hard, and when the two older males looked at the boy, his hand was out, fire engulfed it.

"Denne gutten er ikke menneskelig, Alex. Vi burde få Spencer og komme ut av det!" David whispered, tugging on Alex's sleeve.

"When one goes down, the rest follow. David, come on!" Alex threw up his fists. The boy smirked.

"You know, when someone uses magick I would usually run. That's what everyone else does. No fight. Just screams and running." The boy said loudly, raising Alex and David from the ground.

"Can we call quits yet?" David whimpered. Alex shook his head. When the boy dropped him, Alex ran towards him, tackling him to the ground and pinning him down.

"I'm not running away in terror just because your magic. I-David, get over here!" Alex shouted. With Alex distracted, the boy threw him off, into David. The two fell, and the boy ran away, into one of the traps Alex had set up in case they ran into a powerful magickian. The boy snarled, but stayed still, and everything faded to black.

Hello! Sorry I haven't been doing the updates. Busy with summer things lol.

  dumme hode: Dummy head

  Hvorfor er du så dum, Spencer: Why are you so stupid Spencer?

  Og bli kvitt barnet, for Guds skyld:  And get rid of the kid for god's sake

  Hvorfor gjør du det ikke, for Guds skyld: Why don't you do it, for god's sake

  Hans synder vil fortelle sin skjebne: His sins will tell his fate. 

  Denne gutten er ikke menneskelig, Alex. Vi burde få Spencer og komme ut av det: This boy is not human, Alex. We should get Spencer and get out of here! 

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