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Trigger Warning?

Kat flew to a halt when she saw Devyn standing in the middle of the hallway.

"Move, I need to get through!" Kat growled.

"This is mainly for leaders of the army. Why do you need to get past?" Devyn snarled in reply.

"Tommie went this way after the...misap with Cal and Tommie." Kat said while looking over Devyn's shoulder. "Is there anything else down this hallway?"

"Yeah, the stairs to the...roof..." Devyn said slowly. Kat nodded and pointed to Devyn's shoes. They turned into roller skates and Devyn almost fell.

"Grab onto my ankles and let's go." Kat instructed. Devyn gripped Kat's legs and she took off. "Where even are the god damn stairs in this place?"

"For some reason, they appear only when you need them. I don't know what's with the place anymore." Devyn sounded defeated. Kat laughed, then took a really sharp right.

"Sorry! I found the stairs though, so this might hurt." Kat looked over her shoulder when she told Devyn that.

"WHY THE HELL WOULD IT HURT?" Devyn shouted. Kat just smiled and flew up the stairs. All you could hear echoing in the small space was grunts from Devyn.

"Okay, we're here. And sorry about that. But, apart from that, search the roof." Kat hissed. Devyn nodded. A few seconds later, Devyn's radio, vibrated?

"Didn't know it did that." Devyn muttered. He made his way over to where Kat was. When he arrived, Devyn faltered in his stepping, falling to the ground.

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