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Song: Hymnals by Grizfolk


The house was in a somewhat quiet neighborhood, with a group of boys around Tommie's age ruling the streets and basketball court. The backyard was adjacent with a forest, with one tree decorated with a small tree house. The paint was a light tan, but on the inside, the colors were as bright as Tommie's fire. WIth his earbuds in, Tommie explored every nook and cranny in the room that was given to him.

"Tommie, go outside and meet the other boys! It'll be good to have some friends here." Alex called up. Tommie rolled his eyes and went out, staring at the strange faces looking at him and judging who he might be.

"Who is he?"

"Is he magick?"

"Is he dangerous?"

"Is he kind, nice, good?"

Tommie closed his eyes and started softly singing, trying to center his thoughts as he heard these questions.

"We're high and dry from the spark, so we hide and lie and we hope to lose control, and we don't know what we're waiting for, and we don't know the truth anymore, and we can't see clearly through the fog, and we'll end up chasing ghosts." Someone else joined in, his voice mixing together with Tommie's.

"Well, outside these walls we're criminals, they chase us down, we're singing hymnals. We tried so hard to cope, we fell so many times, we learned to climb without a rope, and we don't know what we're waiting for, and we don't know the truth anymore, and we can't see clearly through the fog, and we'll end up chasing ghosts." Tommie let the other boy take over, listening to the beautiful voice.

"Outside these walls we're criminals, they chase us down, we're singing hymnals. If somebody told me this was a calling I wouldn't hang it up to dry, if somebody told me I shouldn't be stalling I wouldn't feed the world a lie. Well, outside these walls we're criminals, and they chase us down, we're singing hymnals." The boys finished together, Tommie with gained confidence.

"Don't mind what they say. We loving singing, and usually have music playing as we play. They just put on a tough act for anyone new to scare them off. You're pretty good. I'm Cal. And you are?" Cal rattled off, and stuck out his hand.

"Tommie." Tommie mouthed, starstruck. Flames spelled out what he said, and Cal flinched back.

"Magick. You're magick. What are you doing here? This is a magick free place. You should know that." Cal grew furious. Tommie took a step back, scared. A door flew open, and Alex stepped out.

"Cal, good to see ya. How's your mom?" Alex asked coldy, laying a hand on Tommie's shoulder. Cal smiled weakly.

"Good. She's on a trip right now, so I'm home alone. And I didn't know you came home." Cal replied, trying to change the subject.

"Yep, got home today. Now, play nice, and make sure everyone is included." Alex instructed. He sat down on a step. "I'll be ref from here." Alex offered. Cal nodded and motioned to Tommie to follow.

Tommie shoved his earbuds in his pocket and walked slowly over to the other boys. As expected, he was chosen last, and no one passed him the ball, so he just stood there. Suddenly, the ball was in his hands. Bewildered, he froze before he started to run across the court. He dodged and twisted out of reach before swishing a three-pointer.

"Where did you learn to play?" Someone asked, astonished. Tommie turned to face the court sheepishly.

"...Alex taug-"

Tommie was cut off as Alex butted in. "He learned from Spencer and David. I'm sure most of you know them."

"But they were in the army, and came home the same time you did...and I'm pretty sure he is way too young to be in the army." Cal shot down Alex's answer.

"Why don't you challenge Tommie in a hand to hand combat then, if your so sure that he wasn't in the army." Alex offered. Tommie shook his head.

"Fine. Tommie, fight me." Cal shouted. Tommie shook his head again, and opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't get a single word out before Cal threw a punch.

He ducked, and Cal hit thin air. Tommie swept Cal's legs out from under him and leapt in the air as Cal tried to bring him down as well. He landed next to Cal, who was getting up.

"Why you little-" Cal hissed, and kicked him in the stomach. Tommie gasped from the pain. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he blinked them away.

Tommie and Cal traded punches, each blocking fairly well. Just as Cal was about to roundhouse kick Tommie, Tommie flipped over Cal's head and planted a foot on Cal's back, pushing him over.

"Tommie is the winner, seeing as Cal is unable to get back up." Alex said, unimpressed. Tommie shrunk back a little, used to that tone from his birth father.

"You okay?" Cal asked with newfound respect, brushing himself off. Tommie nodded and raced indoors.

"What's with the freak?" A kid asked, earning a few snickers from the crowd.

"Shut up George." Cal snarled. Alex motioned to settle down.

"I'll get Tom, you guys practice layups." Alex ordered. He walked in the house, and Vince pointed upstairs.

"You'll find him in his room." Vince instructed, not looking up from the cookbook. Alex nodded and climbed the stairs.

"Tommie? You okay kiddo?" Alex asked as he opened the door. Tommie was sitting on his bed, knees drawn to his chest. "What's wrong?"

"Flashbacks. And I recognize Cal. He was my friend when my parents were still alive. Real parents. I....I had a crush on him but then everything happened and I never saw him again." Tommie whispered. "I just messed everything up again. He'll never like me...............Alex, I don't know what to do."

"You didn't mess up Tom. In fact, I think he likes you." Alex comforted, sitting down next to Tommie. "He defended you after someone called you a freak."

"Great, now I'll get teased for that. It's bad enough I fuc-"

"Language. You can swear when you're 16." Alex scolded. Tommie rolled his eyes.

"It's bad enough I messed up and used magic to communicate in front of new people, but what will the others think of if me and Cal date? I'll be labeled as a threat for the rest of my life." Tommie sighed. Alex chuckled.

"Vince and I aren't labeled as threats and we're living happily. Sure, the stereotypical straight people hate us, but everyone else is pretty nice, cept Cal's mom. When he begins to trust you, get him to talk about it." Alex said, leaning back on his elbows. "Now c'mon, let's head back out. Cal may need back up."

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