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The world stopped. Kat and Devyn could feel something shatter in their chests.

"TOMMIE!" Kat shouted, and ran to the edge. The world seemed to start back up again, slow at first, then crashing down on you.

"I need a med team at the first floor! This is urgent!" Devyn yelled into his comm.

"What the hell is happening Devyn? Is Aaren there?" Evan's voice sounded worried and scared over the radio.

"Don't question me. Just gather up a team and meet me at the first floor. And make sure Cal is with you." Devyn snarled. He and Kat ran down the stairs, meeting up with Evan's team on the fifth floor.

"What's going on, major? Heather asked softly, glancing back at where Kat was walking next to Cal.

"Tommie, well, took a free fall class off the building." Devyn whispered. Heather's eyes widened when she realized what Devyn meant.

"That's not possible. I thought that it was a hologram, not a solid." Heather argued.

"It could become solid if someone needed it to be. That's how his tech works, Heath."

"Yes sir."

"Heather, Evan and...Matthew? Yes. To the front. I need you to scout out." Devyn ordered. He felt someone tap him, and looked slightly down to see Cal.

"What happened? Why do you need me? And what am I supposed to do with these?" Cal asked, holding out Tommie's shoes and sweatshirt.

"Something with Tommie happened. We thought you would want to be here to see this. And Tommie wanted you to have that." Kat piped up.

"What are you talking about?" Cal asked, frustrated. Kat glanced at Aaren.

"You should probably look. It's...hard to explain." Kat avoided all eye contact.

Cal walked around Devyn and pushed his way past the other three. Tommie's items dropped to the ground.

"This is a joke." Cal breathed.

"What?" Evan asked, appalled.

"This is a joke." Cal repeated louder. "He has to have some other side. His magick has to be keeping him alive. It has to be. He's not...he's not....he's not DEAD." Cal looked to the other people in answer. No response. "He can't be dead!" Cal shouted to the heavens. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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