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"Tommie, are you in here?" Cal asked, peering into the dark treehouse. He heard someone sniffle and preparing for something, slowly approached the source of the noise.

"Go away, Cal."

"I'm not leaving, something could happen, something bad."

"You mean other than a huge explosion that maybe killed someone?"

"Yes. Something worse. I don-Alex and Vince would be devastated."

"I doubt Vince would be..."

"What does that mean?"

"We started fighting even before we got back to the house. Alex had to break us up, I almost broke down."


"Explode, literally. That and depression and anxiety do not go well together." Tommie explained softly. He was speaking into his legs, so Cal had to strain to hear what he was saying. Not knowing what to say, Cal pulled Tommie into a hug, which startled the other male.

"I wish you told me sooner," Cal whispered into Tommie's shoulder. "I would've helped."

"You...you remember? When we were younger?" Tommie asked, pushing Cal away.

"Alex helped kickstart my memory. But yes, I remember. Everything. Is that why you were never out?"

"Yeah...my dad knew I was...knew something...and wouldn't let me hang out with you. But I need to tell you something. Something I've kept dormant for years."

"Well then, I have something too."

"Cal, first of all, I'm weird and queer. And I have a crush on you."

"Oh thank the heavens."

"WhAt Do YoU mEaN?" Tommie shrieked. Cal choked on giggles that threatened to break the surface.

"I have a crush on you too. I told Alex as well, so he knows." Cal laughed at Tommie's panicked expression as he spoke.

"You're an asshole." Tommie playfully pushed Cal away from him, who was laughing so hard he was crying.

"I'm...so...sorry!" Cal said in between recovering breaths.

"Also, I told Alex as well."

"Great, he's going to blast this to the whole neighborhood."

"Already have, lovebirds." Alex butted in, his head popping in the door. Tommie blushed and rested his forehead in Cal's shoulder.

"If you aren't careful Tommie, Alex is going to take some pictures and use them as blackmail when we're older." Cal jokingly warned as Alex snapped a picture.

"I don't care....just as long as I can get some embarrassing photos." Tommie turned his head to face Alex and smiled innocently.

"You wouldn't." Alex gasped in mock shock.

"Oh, I will. Cal, distract him!" Tommie shouted as he leaped out the trapdoor, rolled to soften the impact, and sprinted towards the door. He was followed by Cal, who was squirting Alex with a water gun.

"You little pests!" Alex shouted and opened the door to the house. He was greeted by Vince holding two nerf guns.

"Team? The boys got me, so it's only fair we get them back." Vince whispered. "I think they're upstairs."

"Let's get them."

"And why are you soaking wet?"

"Cal shot me." Alex replied and advanced towards the stairs. He tripped on a rope, a small blue light lit up.

"How did you trip a tripwire?" Vince exclaimed, his cheeks red with the effort of holding back laughs. Alex glared at him with mock anger.

"Tommie, get into position you clod." Came a sharp whisper up the stairs. Tommie snorted, and the older males saw him dart over to where Cal was. He sent one lone fireball down, which exploded into the words, "Try and advance, but you'll get as far as the fifth step on the stairs."

"His threats aren't what they seem. The last time he used a threat like that, Tommie was almost killed." Alex said loud enough for Cal and Tommie to hear. They heard a growl as the started walking up the stairs as well as a small faint beep.

As soon as they heard that, the staircase became very active. Tommie and Cal both got chest shots on Tommie's dads, and two water cannons got both of them in the face, sending Alex sprawling down the stairs. Vince coughed out some water, called out "Coward," to Alex, and shot Cal on the head.

"One versus one now, Tommie." Vince snarled playfully. Tommie gave him a face scared expression and disappeared up the stairs, making Vince give chase.
Down below, Cal and Alex were drinking hot chocolate and laughing over stupid stories from the army.

"When you guys finish, come join us for some warm chocolate!" Alex called up the stairs.

"I doubt that's going to be soon!" Vince called down, just as a bullet struck him in the chest.

"Ha! I won!" Tommie shouted, and raced downstairs to join the three in the kitchen. "And my threat was good cause I had Cal on my team, Alex."

"Yeah right." Alex responded, ruffling Tommie's hair. Tommie grunted and swatted Alex's hand away.

"I'm not ten, Alex." Tommie complained.

"You sure act like your ten." Alex replied, smiling.

"You were acting younger than you actually are as well. Nerf gun fights are for young kids. And I'm going outside." Tommie grumbled. He left the half-empty cup on the counter, threw his shoes on and left. Cal scurred after him, already having his shoes on.

"Having kids is more work than I thought it would be." Vince sighed. Alex laughed.

"How easy did you have it to be?"

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