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He stopped. It's my responsibility. No one has done anything. I have to do something. I have to. Cal thought. He sling his backpack over his shoulder and slipped out the window.

"What the hell?" Cal said to himself. There were soldiers everywhere, stationed with guns at every corner. Some, in brighter clothes, were shouting orders and pointing around. Suddenly, someone points towards him and two soldiers sprint in Cal's direction.

"We got a code red, sir! Code red, it's a child." Cal overheard one soldier speak into a radio, the crackling meaning a reply. "You, boy, come with us."

"Do I have to?" Cal asked, gripping the strap of his backpack. The second soldier, who had his helmet strapped to his pants, stepped forward. He had the most unusual eye color, red with flecks of black. His hair was spiked to the side, and he wore checkered fingerless gloves. Two pistols hung on one side of his waist, and a...harpoon? was tethered to his back.

"I'm sorry, but you don't have a choice." He said, British and Russian accents intertwining. Cal backed up against the wall of the house, scared.

"Devyn, you've gone and scared him." The other male scolded, his voice a strong Russian accent. "And what have I told you about the harpoon?" Devyn sighed and the harpoon disappeared.

"Was that a hologram?" Cal asked, his curiousness overriding his fear, his eyes lighting up. Devyn nodded.

"Aaren here came up with the technology for it." Devyn nudged Aaren with his elbow. Aaren brushed the light blue, almost white, hair out of his eyes, smiling. It was flopped over the right side of his head, covering his toxic green eyes. A rifle was slung over his back, and he had black fingerless gloves with green stripes.

Both of the men wore black camouflage and gray trench coats over the top. But the one thing that stuck out to Cal was that Devyn and Aaron had matching rings on. Silver bands with a gem stone the color of the others eye color.

"It's more advanced than anything I've ever come up with. But....we may have been spotted." Cal pointed to another person running over to them. Aaren sighed.

"I'm going to help you get back through the window into your room-"

"It's not my room. It's my boyfriends. I'm staying at his house since, wait, is that guys name T?" Cal asked, looking again to the person running towards them. The white hair seemed familiar.

"T? He's using that stupid nickname again? What the hell?" Devyn looked to Aaren as he questioned T's choice.

"His name is actually Turner. And how do you know him?" Aaren turned to Cal.

"He's the one who captured Tommie and took him away." Cal whispered. Turner stopped in front of Devyn, who was blocking Cal from Turner's gaze.

"The general wants you to report back, and since someone didn't turn their radio on, I have to tell you." Turner instructed, frustrated. "This is why we don't have married couples go on patrol together."

"Asshole." Cal muttered. Turner heard him and peeked around Devyn. Upon seeing Cal, Turner's eyes widened.

"You. I shot you. You are supposed to be dead." Turner snarled, jabbing his finger at Cal. Cal just shrugged.

"Cool. I tell that to Tommie, oh wait." Cal glared daggers at Turner. Suddenly, twin cuts appeared on Turner's face, each on one cheek. Turner gasped. Aaren and Devyn looked ecstatic.

"How the hell did you do that?" Turner shouted. Cal shook his head. He was shaking, the dark power threatening to overwhelm him. "Tell me, you sorry excuse for a magickian."

"I don't know, leave me alone!" Cal yelled. Turner stumbled back, his hand at his throat. When he took his hand away it was covered in blood. With a horror filled expression, Turner collapsed, still and not breathing. When Devyn went over to inspect, a deep slash was over Turner's throat.

"Is that your magick?" Aaren asked quietly. Cal nodded.

"Aaren, time to go. Maybe we'll see you again, kid."

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