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The boy found himself in a small bunker, only room for two bunk beds, three large trunks, and a door to the outside. Alex walked in, having a lively conversation with Spencer. More like an argument.

"Denne gutten er magick, og du vil beholde ham her for å hjelpe oss med å vinne krigen? Hva skjer hvis han vender mot oss? Er du gal?" Spencer hissed. Alex laughed.

"I'm not insane, merely trying an experiment. If it goes wrong, it goes wrong." Alex replied calmly. Spencer rolled his eyes and walked over to the kid.

"Hey kid, what's your name anyways? It's kinda stupid to keep calling you kid for the rest of your life." Spencer remarked.

"It's...my name is...T-Tommie." Tommie managed to get out.

"Tommie, eh?" Alex asked as he grabbed a shirt and some pants.

"What are you, Canadian?" Spencer joked softly.

"Spencer, can you shut up?" Alex replied, grinning at Spencer.

"Anything else about you, Tommie? That we should know?" Spencer asked, turning his attention back to the child who sat on the bed. Tommie shook his head. They would figure out sooner or later.

"For now, we should probably introduce you to the general, and get you through proper training." Alex muttered, motioning for the two to follow him. David fell into step behind them as they exited the building.

"So, we're taking a literal kid to the general to see if he is eligible to fight? He is 13! You have to be at least 18 to join the army, and we're taking a 13-year-old to sign up for the efn' army." Spencer said, well within Tommie's earshot.

"And for your information, it is highly unlikely for such a kid to even get past the gates of the office." Damion Marshall, as it said on his name tag, announced, smirking at the stupidity of the superior male. Damion was around 18, and he was fairly new. Damion always liked to be that one person who you despise, partly because they keep on trying to talk to you.

"á, dør i et hull et sted." Spencer muttered.. Damion glared at him.

"I don't know what that was, but I'm going to assume it was an insult, you unwanted cookie dough." Damion responded in a hurt voice.

"Unwanted cookie dough?" Tommie asked, popping out from behind Alex. "That is the best insult you can come up with? What happened to swearing?"

"I'm not allowed to swear until I'm twenty-one." Damion grumbled.

"And who put that rule in place, your mom?" Alex scoffed. Damion snarled and swung at Alex. He dodged it easily, and roundhoused kicked Damion in the stomach. Damion let out a grunt but recovered quickly. He punched Alex in the face, sending him to the ground. Damion planted a foot on Alex's chest, adding pressure until Alex as gasping for air.

"Aren't you guys going to help him?" Tommie exclaimed, looking over at Spencer and David. They shook their heads.

"We can't Tommie...and don't ask why..." David said softly. Tommie stared at them in disbelief. He looked over at Alex and Damion, and rage bubbled in him.

"Damion Marshall, what do you think you're doing?" General Matthews asked. Damion stumbled off of Alex, startled at the sudden appearance of the General. Seconds later, a fireball burned a hole into a side of a building. Alex stayed on the ground, and Damion whimpered, terrified.

"What the heck was that?" Damion whispered to the General.

"I do believe that was the newest recruit. And I strongly advise not to mess with him, Private. Do you understand?" Matthews replied, gripping Damion's shoulder tightly.

"Sir yes, sir!" Damion squeaked out. Damion was released from the death grip and ran to his quarters in the building next to them, not the one with the huge hole.

"Now, Alex, is this really the person you said who was the, and I quote, 'the best person we'll have in the army?' He is but a kid!" Matthews exclaimed. Alex shrugged.

"You did see what I saw, right? Sir." Alex hastily added. "With the proper training, he could be the best man this army has, and then we can win this idiotic war!"

"You forgot 'Sir', but yes, with some proper training, he may be able to help the cause of the war. We will see, Major." Matthews sighed. He walked away, leaving the four to stand there bewildered.

"You're...you're a major?" Tommie asked. Alex nodded.

"Only because everyone else was too chicken for the job." He said. Spencer and David both rolled their eyes.

"It's actually because everyone else was killed off from the job." Spencer whispered to Tommie. He laughed, which broke Alex from his heroic pose.

"Party pooper."

"Same to you too, Major." Spencer responded. He walked away with David, Alex, and Tommie trailing behind him.

  Denne gutten er magick, og du vil beholde ham her for å hjelpe oss med å vinne krigen? Hva skjer hvis han vender mot oss? Er du gal?  :  this kid is magick and you want to keep him here, to help us win the war? What happens if he turns against us? Are you insane?

  á, dør i et hull et sted.  : oh, go die in a hole somewhere. 

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