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I woke up to a bunch of laughther coming from Yoongis room. It wasnt Yoongi. Sounded more.. girly? Dont assume anything bad Y/N I kept telling myself. I dresses myself considering I was in pajamas. I wanted to go get coffee with Mina and the twins then go to the park. I kind of got attached..

 I kind of got attached

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This is what I wore.
I went to Yoongis room and saw a girl all over him. I cleared my throat on purpose so they knee I was there. I fake smiled. "Hi Yoongi... and who are you?" I said with an attitude and gave her a glare. "Hana" she gave an attitude back. Deep breathes Y/N, deep breathes. "yeah.. umm I forgot to tell you she was coming over" Yoongi said. "But didnt I tell you the plans I made for today" I reminded him. His face got red. "Oh my god.." He said. He forgot. I scoffed "Kay whatever just have fun with your new girlfriend" I walked out and slammed the door. He opened his door. "Wait can she come? I really wanna go to the park" He asked. I put my hand on my face trying to keep calm. I was all red and fired up. "Yes..." I lied. I didnt want her to come. It was gonna be a double date with Jimin, Mina, Yoongi and I. Yoongi drove to the coffee place while Hana kept talking and talking. Does she ever stop? "Soo who are you? To Yoongi" she tapped on my shoulder. "To be honest I dunno" I rolled my eyes. Yoongi gave me a glare. He grabbed my hand.  "Your my baby, your my everything Y/N , I told you that day and I meant it" he touched my leg. "Stop please.. and if so why did yo-" I was cut off by Hana. "WE ARE HERE!" She sounded happy. "Calm down its just a normal coffee shop.." I said. "Whatever your just jealous that Yoongi kissed me" She said and rolled her eyes. What? I said to myself. Oh my god.. Mina and Jimin waved at us. "Umm guys Im gonna go home.. I-" my voice cracked. Tears went down my face I wiped them. "Im not feeling good. You two have a good time" I said to Mina and Jimin. "Whats wrong Sweetie?" Mina grabbed my hand so I wont run. "Hana.. and yoongi" I whispered to her. "Gimme a second please stay" She said to me. I sighed and nodded. She grabbed Yoongis and Hanas arm. "Sit" Mina demanded me to. I got scared. Mina was scary. "Whats up?" Jimin poked my arm. "You know that other girl was Hana right?" I told him. "Oh my god.." he said. He didnt knew. "Are they?..." he asked. "Yoongi kissed her" I sighed. "Ugh Yoongi.." he whispered to himself. He gave me Jayni. He tried to make me feel better. He succeeded. I kept smiling at the baby. "When do you want one of your own?" He asked. "I dunno... But just look how perfect she is. So tiny and cute" I answered back. I kissed her forehead. I played with her tiny fingers. Jimin was focused on feeding Joyse and playing with her. "How old are they?" I asked. "12 weeks, 3 months.." He said. "Wow that went by fast" I said. The baby cooed. "Aw" I laughed.

"Why did you dress them up as if they were going to church?" I asked

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"Why did you dress them up as if they were going to church?" I asked. "All of their clothes are like that, besided their pajamas" he laughed. Mina came back with Yoongi and Hana. "I didnt kiss Hana!" He told me. "Why would Hana say that then?!" I asked him. "Because she is jealous!" He said. "Of what?" I said. "Of you.." she said. Mina looked at me. "I knew everything was gonna be perfect today. I thought bringing up Hana like Namjoon did would solve things. Im sorry.." He told me. "Y/N we have knew eachother for a pretty long time. I love your hair. The way you talk. The way you walk. I love every single thing about you. Your so perfect and sweet. Your funny and nice to be around. Its so entertaining to talk to you. You arent selfish. I love you" Yoongi said and got on his knees. My anxiety went up. He glanced at Jimin. Jimin poked Minas arm and turned around. "Mina your the most sweetest and smartest person I ever met. I remembered that day where you sang to the baby. I remember when everything was difficult you would try and fix everything. Everything worked out in the end. Jimin went on his knees too. "Would you marry me?" Jimin asked Mina and Yoongi asked me at the same time. I was crying and so was Mina. "Yes!" Mina said. I was still staring at Yoongi. Mina stared at me. "Y/N?" Yoongi said. I went out of my bubble. "Yes yes yes" I kept repeating. I cried harder. "I love you so much Y/N"

Hehehehe marriedddd I mean engagagedddd.
Oki so Im gonna post another chapter today cuz I felt like I kinda left you hanging. Alright toodles

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