Truths & Secrets

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A/N  ~~~
I decided to do something different. I felt like I wasnt doing alot and making the story interesting. All the main characters are gonna be telling their secrets and how they feel in their heads. Not to everyone else. Only in their heads. A sneak peek of what they always get.
Anyways enough with the jibber jabber (idk) lets get on with the secrets

Y/N secrets, truths, and thoughts..

I still felt like I wasnt enough for Yoongi. I always felt a vibe around him. Like he was my soldier. He always made the place a little brighter and happier. But I always feel like whenever a girl is with us the girl tries and hit on him. Yet Yoongi flirts back. It hurts me badly. I made a pact to him to always tell him what Im feeling. Im scared to tell him. I havent told him yet. ~

Yoongis secrets, truths and thoughts...

Im gonna be real. I feel bad for Y/N her child hood wasnt the best. Thats why Im trying to make everything perfect for her. I love her so god damn much. She means the world to me. I love her laughs and giggles. She is so pretty and fun to be around. But.. I havent told her something.. I feel extremely icky about it. Im afraid she will think it was my fault. Im afraid she is gonna think I did it. If your wondering what happened. One night after I was done recording at the studio I decided to go get a drink. I decided to get drunk a little because I was working so hard. But then a girl tried to spike my drink. She tried to make me fall asleep to bring me into her bed. I felt drunk I didnt know what to do. She kissed me and we made out. I grabbed her in places as she grabbed me.. in places as well. I feel so bad about it. I dont wanna give her more stress as it is. I have to tell her before we get married though..

Jin secrets, truths and thoughts...

I felt so attached to Y/N as she left the apartment. I loved her so fucking much. She was so kind and brave. That was one of the bets things about her. She was so beautiful. She had beautiful curves and a beautiful face. I liked how her hair flows as she walked. She was like a model.. Wait.. Do I have feelings for Y/N.. noo I dont. I wouldnt do that to Yoongi. Yoongi is amazing and kind of creepy. But no I dont have feelings for Y/N. She is so pretty and smart. And sassy.. She is so beautiful and kind... Oh my god.. Do I have feelings for Y/N?...

Minas secrets, truths and thoughts...

I felt weird after me and Jimin had Again. The kids kept crying so it seemed impossible to have an orgasm.. Jimin hasnt been around as much. I wanna ask him to move in but I didnt want him to leave the guys.. I wouldve felt so bad. They seemed pretty hurt went Yoongi left. But another member leaving? No.. It just.. its just so hard taking care of two babies. He kind of barely comes around as If i was a single parent. Should I tell him? Im so scared. Im afraid he will hate me.

Jimin secrets, truths and thoughts...

I missed Mina. I wanted her to move in. I asked Jin and he said he will think about it especially with the other guys. I felt jealous of Yoongi and Y/N. They got to wake up next to eachother every single day. I felt so mad. I wanted that. I want to wake up next to Mina every single day. We would complain who would get the babies. I love Mina so much. I missed cuddling with her. Everytime I see Yoongi and Y/N it makes me so mad how perfect they are. I dont wanna lose Mina.. I have to talk to her about this..

Jungkook secrets, truths and thoughts

Genuinely I missed Y/N she was like a big sister to me. I remember one time we fought whoever got the last cookie. But I licked the cookie in front of her face and said my name is jungKOOK-IE , haha. Then she started to chase after me then tickled me. I missed her smile and laughther. Yoongi was lucky. I was probably the only one in the group who didnt or who doesnt have feelings for her. I only love her as a sister. She is pretty and all. But I want a relationship like Yoongi and Y/N. They are goals. Im happy for them. I just missed her goofiness and Yoongis appearence. I go to their place often. I dunno, I just missed them.

A/N : Kookies mind isnt too interesting. Kookie will be very innocent in this story lmaoo.

AeCha (Chachi. Y/N Sister) secrets, truths and thoughts..

I felt jealous.. I felt the need to ruin Y/N relationship. I know its pretty petty of me. But Yoongi looks so.. rough. He looks like he can do anything. I want him. Or Jin. Ugh what am I thinking?! No I wont ruin my sisters relationship. Im not a monster like my mother. Ugh. I just want.. to ruin their relationship... should I? Ugh.. no.. I dont know
A/N : Back story! Chachi has a bipolar issues. Its extremely horrible. Like damn calm down - horrible.

JaHee ( Chachi's and Y/N Mother ) secrets truths and thoughts...

I honestly didnt wanna bring Y/N back into our lives. Also Chachi. They were both pretty stubborn children. But Chachi cant take a hint. I couldnt believe Y/N was pregnant. I searched up her fiancees name. He is a kpop artist. Smh why would he pick her. So stupid. I gotta admit I was pretty sad that she left. But again i didnt care. I just wanted her father dead. Finally. Little did she know or her sister. I messed with the breaks. Her father wasnt drunk. As he probably used the breaks he got no control of the car and drove into a car. Pretty evil right 😏😉🤷‍♀️

Taehyungs secrets, truths and thoughts...

I felt weird after Yoongi and Y/N left. I missed her. I thought she wouldve remember me. Y/N and I met in a clothing store. I dont remember what she was buying. She gave me her number. But after a few weeks of texting she stopped texting me. I felt heartbroken. I was gonna ask her to be my girlfriend. I guess she forgot.. It hurt and stinged badly. I dont know if I should remind her or even talk about it with her... I felt so sad.

Namjoons secrets, truths and thoughts...

It was hard to see Yoongi and Y/N leave. Although we visit them like 5 times a week. They didnt mind. I dont have the exact same feelings for Y/N as I use to. I still love her though. Her hair flows so much. Her face glows. As she walks into rooms they seem brighter. The atmosphere seems so much better and stronger when she walks into the apartment. I dont have the same feelings for her out of respect. I love her alot though. I cant wait for their wedding

A/N : so innocent.. or not.. 🤪

Jhope secrets, truths and thoughts...

I feel less excited to wake up everyday. I miss seeing her beautiful face and sense of humor. I miss tasting her lips and she kissed me. Sure we only kissed like two times. But I truly miss her. She texts me alot though. Like alot. And we talk even more. Its hard to look into her deep eyes and not kiss her. I force myself back. Its hard.. really hard.. But I know Ill get better at some point..

Oki this wasnt very juicy but yeah lmao. Follow me on instagram! -> oERoUnx

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