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Before you read the last chapter was suicidal awareness. We need to put it out there that You Arent Alone.
This chapter wont be as sad. As the last. This is a different version ♥️

Today Yoongi came home for some news to tell me. I wasnt gonna think it was something bad..but he gave a worried face. "Baby you needa sit for this" he pointed to a chair. I sat confused. "Im.. going into the Military.. for two years.. " He said. I shook my head in confusion. "What!?" I stood up. He bit his lip trying to hold in tears while I already had tears. "Baby no you cant leave me!" I held his elbows shaking him back and forth harshly crying. He stopped me. I turned around and sat at the sofa silently crying. He went upstairs. He was leaving in a week. The week came by fast

The week offically passed. Yoongi said it wasnt gonna be as bad. He held my hand and cried. He hugged me tight. He finally let go. I was crying hysterically as he left. I ran after him "baby come on I have to go" his voice cracked multiple times. I bit my lip quivering, I was shaking. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I looked up at him. "I see you later cutie" he kissed my forehead and left. "Yoongi!!!" I kept yelling and trying to run after him. The boys held me back. "Yoongi!!" I kept crying loudly. My voice hurt. I fell asleep in the car.

It's been a couple of weeks without Yoongi. I felt all lonely. But he told me to be strong. I will be strong, only for my baby. The boys kept coming over to keep me company. I think it was sweet but I truly just wanted to be alone with my kids.

Authors POV
Its offically been a year.
It has been hard dealing with it. You were struggling and you were always wearing his clothes he left. You kept on thinking about the day he left. You kept crying. "No no tears Y/N, be strong for him" you smiled and left for work as soon as you dropped off the kids at the boys apartment.

Sure you were a bit confused. Sad. And were struggling with work. But you werent gonna let a man get in the way of things, especially if you love and miss that man very much

You aren't gonna let it affect your work and job.

You got letter from him once in a while that made you tear up. You saved them somewhere special so whenever you were alone you would read them.

Six months passed. So close for him to be coming home. You missed him so much. You felt better as he was coming in another 6 months. You felt like you were gaining weight too much. You started to stop eating and starve yourself for a little while. You started to judge yourself alot. You only ate one apple and oranges per day.

At the end of the month of when Yoongi was coming home you were sick. You knew why you were sick but you didnt wanna admit to yourself. You were very skinny. It looked un healthy,  but you thought it was okay since you still had (IM SORRY THIS IS WEIRD) boobs and a big butt. You thought that's what only guys like.

Finally today was the day Yoongi is gonna be here. You were so excited.

Yoongis POV
I am so excited to get to see Y/N again. I missed her so much. I actually made a nice friend while I was in the Military. She is pretty mean sometimes but I know she doesnt mean it. I texted Y/N

 I texted Y/N

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