Chapter 1: The leaky Cauldron.

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Chapter 1: The leaky Cauldron.


Okay I am a huge fan of HP, Please review.


Selena's POV:

I wake up and immediately I feel like there is something wrong. It is 10am and my mum would usually have woken me up by now.

I head downstairs and hear hushed voices, I can tell one is my mothers and the other is my grandfather Albus. Heading into the living room I see both of them as well as Mr. Weasley.

I see that Mr. Weasley has gained a tan from being in Egypt.

"Hello Selena," Mr. Weasley says nodding his head. "I've come to take you to the leaky Cauldron."

I am supposed to be spending my last night before I return to school at the leaky Cauldron with Ron Weasley, Harry potter, Hermione Granger and the rest of the Weasley clan. Then tomorrow we will return to Hogwarts.

Harry, Ron and I have been best friends since our first year. Harry and I are also known as the boy and girl who lived. Because when Lord Voldemort tried to kill us it did not work.

My mum for some reason is glaring at him.

"Is something wrong?" I ask her.

"I don't want you to go," she says and motions to the paper from a few weeks ago. "Not with him out there."

There has been an escape from Azkaban, And what is worse is that its my father. Sirius Black. Because of this mum is even moving into the school,

"Mum," I say not wanting this to stop me from having some fun. "I promise I'll be careful and you will see me on the train tomorrow."

She sighs and seems to think about it. Before turning to my grandfather.

"What do you think I should do?" She asks.

His eyes twinkle as he winks at me.

"I think Selena is very capable of looking after herself," he points out.

Mum turns back to me.

"You do not go anywhere alone," she says and I nod my head. "I would prefer an adult with you but if not then at least two or more of your friends."

I nod and hug her tightly. "I'll be careful I promise."

She nods and I head upstairs to my room. I grab my owl. Her name is star as she is pure white with a star shaped spot on her head.

I head back down once I've got Star and my trunk. There I hug and kiss my mum and grandfather before turning to Mr. Weasley.

"Okay I'm ready to go," I say and head towards the fireplace.

I go first and floo to the leaky Cauldron where I am immediately pulled into a hug and spun around. I know straight away who it is.

"FRED WEASLEY!!"I yell doing my best impression of Mrs. Weasley. "Put me down this instant."

He does and also looks a little scared. When I begin to laugh he ruffles my hair.

"You did a really good impression of my mum then," he nods his head impressed.

I hug George and the rest of the weasley's and Hermione. Then Hermione, Ron and I head out to find Harry who has been at the Leaky Cauldron for a week or two.

We could not find him at first so we decided to head to the ice cream parlour. As we sat and waited we finally spotted the messy head of hair that belonged to the final member of our group.

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