Chapter 2: Back to the burrow

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Chapter 2: Back to the burrow.


*Selena Black*

Selenas's POV:

The next day I am happy that I am going to the Weasley's but upset that I have to leave my dad behind.

"14," he says smiling as I come down the stairs. "You are getting older way too fast."

"Yeah," I say smirking. "Before you know it you will be walking me down the isle."

His mouth drops open and mum laughs really loudly. After a moment I join in and so does he. Then he looks at his watch.

"It's early," he says smirking. "How about Padfoot and Raven take one more trip around the woods. Or should I say race."

I nod excited. "But its not a race unless you can keep up dad."

He turns his head and raises an eyebrow at the challenge.

A few minutes later Padfoot and I were racing with mum getting a birds eye view to make sure no one was cheating. Hermione who had woken up not long after me watched with an amused expression on her face In the end I won.

"UNDEFEATED CHAMPION!!" I yell at the top of my voice when I am human again.

Dad and mum laugh. Then dad turns to mum and says.

"What time you guys taking off?" He asks sounding sad at the thought.

"Around 4ish," mum says giving him a sad smile. "We'll be back in a few days."

*Selena Black*  

At exactly 4 we leave to head to the burrow. We floo straight there.

"Selena dear," Mrs. Weasley says as she helps me to my feet. "Happy birthday!!"

"Thanks Mrs Weasley," I step aside as mum comes through. Then Hermione.

"Molly," she says hugging her. "Nice to see you. Where is everyone?"

"Getting ready to pick up Harry," Mrs Weasley explains. "They said to him they're coming at 5."

I turn to my mum. "Can I go with?"

She nods and I go running into the kitchen where I see two new faces.

Even though I have never met them I know from the hair colour that these two are the elder Weasley boys: Bill (who is a curse breaker for gringotts in Egypt.) And Charlie (who works with dragons in Romania.)

The one with hair in a ponytail and a fang earring gets to his feet and approaches me.

"Hi you must be Selena," he says shaking my hand. "I'm Bill."

I also shake Charlie's hand and then after finding everyone else we head through the floo to go and get Harry.

*Selena Black*  

"Ouch! Selena go back, go back, there's been some kind of mistake - tell George not to - OUCH! George, no, there's no room, go back quickly and tell Ron -"

We had some how not got through the floo. Instead all of us are trapped inside the fire place unable to get out.

"Maybe Harry can hear us, Dad - maybe he'll be able to let us out -"

There was a loud hammering of fists on the boards as we all try to get the attention of the people on the other side.

"Harry? Harry, can you hear us?"

Not long after we hear a voice speak from the other side.

"Mr. Weasley? Can you hear me?"

The hammering stopped. Somebody said, "Shh!"

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