Chapter 4: The noble and most ancient house of black.

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Chapter 4: The noble and most ancient house of Black.


Selena's POV:

Mrs Weasley followed them upstairs looking grim.

"I want you all to go straight to bed, no talking," she said as they reached the first landing, "we've got a busy clay tomorrow. I expect Ginny's asleep," she added to Hermione and I as we head towards my bedroom where we were all staying, "so try not to wake her up."

Hermione and I say goodbye to the guys and head into the bedroom. As predicted Ginny is still awake.

"What did they say?" She asks nicely and I smile before both Hermione and I retell the events of what happened downstairs.

"What kind of weapon could be worse then the killing curse?" Hermione wonders out loud.

"I don't know," I say before rubbing my arms. "But I can guess what else he wants. Me... for my power."

The other two both give me sympathetic looks.

"No one in this house or in the order is going to let them get you," Ginny promises.

With that comment we all begin to get ready for bed.

"SELENA!!" A voice yells in my ear and I fall out of bed.

I groan and then as I glance up I scream.

"RYAN!!" I yell jumping into the arms of my cousin. "You're here. I thought you weren't coming for a few more days!!"

"Meh we decided to come early," he says as we finally separate. "Dad will be here later he had to head out to do something. Um also Mum has been moved to St. Mungo's she's hanging in there but we don't know how long for. Mungo's has more experience with her disease."

I nod and hug him before Fred knocks on my door.

"Hey mum wants you to hurry up and have breakfast and then were going to tackle the drawing room," he says rolling his eyes. "Ryan she politely asks that you join us."

Ryan glances at me and I shrug.

*Selena Black*

Half an hour later Ryan and I enter the drawing room, a long, high-ceilinged room on the first floor with olive green walls covered in dirty tapestries. The carpet exhaled little clouds of dust every time someone put their foot on it and the long, moss green velvet curtains were buzzing as though swarming with invisible bees. It was around these that Mrs Weasley, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, George, Harry and Ron were grouped, all looking rather peculiar as they had each tied a cloth over their nose and mouth. Each of them was also holding a large bottle of black liquid with a nozzle at the end

"Cover your faces and take a spray," Mrs Weasley says to Ryan and I the moment she sees us, pointing to two more bottles of black liquid standing on a spindle-legged table. "It's Doxycide. I've never seen an infestation this bad - what that house-elf's been doing for the last ten years -"

Hermione looks unamused at Mrs Weasley.

"Kreachers really old, he probably couldn't manage -"

Kreacher's the house elf that lives here. He doesn't like the fact that I am one of the only young people who can order him around. He glares and calls me names when my father isn't around.

"You'd be surprised what Kreacher can manage when he wants to, Hermione," dad says, as he just entered the room carrying a bloodstained bag of what appeared to be dead rats. "I've just been feeding Buckbeak," he added, in reply to Harry's enquiring look. "I keep him upstairs in my mother's bedroom. Anyway . . . this writing desk . . ."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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