Book 4: Chapter 1: Summer.

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Chapter 1: Summer.


Okay so we are now on book 4. Please review.

*Selena Black*

Selena's POV:

I take my trunk and head towards the floo. I still wonder why we are staying at my uncle's.

"Dumbledore Mansion!!" I say as I step into the floo.

A few seconds later I stumble out and see Ryan waiting for me.

"Ryan!!" I say and he hugs me. "How are you?"

"I'm great Sel," he says using his nickname for me. "Your mum on her way?"

Before I can answer him my mum comes through the floo and hugs her nephew.

"Well where is he?" My mum asks confusing me.

"Living room," Ryan says smiling. "He hasn't long arrived and dad is getting him situated."

I follow my mum and I pause when we enter the living room. There clean shaved and looking healthier than ever is Sirius Black.

"DAD!!" I say and I go running into the room.

He jumps up and we hug. Picking me up he spins me around and around.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him as my mum enters.

My dad does not answer at first. He walks around the sofa and pulls my mum into his arms. They hold each other for a long time while I hug my uncle. Then Ryan clears his throat.

They separate and dad turns to me.

"Your uncle has allowed me to move into here," he explains smiling at my uncle. "As far as anyone knows your just spending the summer at his."

"But what if someone sees you?" I ask him.

"As far as everyone knows I was spotted in Africa," he says. "We lead a bunch of false leads. Don't worry Selena!!"

But I do worry and I cannot help it as I head upstairs to unpack my stuff. I worry that he will be caught and given the dementor's kiss and I will never see him again.

There is a knock on my door. I open it to see my dad. I invite him in.

"I know your scared," he says taking my hands. "But I promise I'll be careful. And if anyone comes around then Padfoot will make an appearance. I promise I won't leave you."

I stop and think about this. I was sitting on the train and hating the fact that I nearly had him back. What does it matter if it isn't our own home.

M.A.C.U.S.A isn't looking for my dad so it is very unlikely that he will be caught here in America.

I smile properly now as I squeeze his hands.

"It's good to see you dad," I say to him. "I'm glad I'll get the chance to get to know you now. Properly."

He nods and glances outside. "It's a hot day... how about Padfoot and..... Raven go for a run?"

"Raven?" I ask curious.

"Yep," he says smirking. "Raven is a black bird. You have the animagus of a falcon and a big black dog so its Raven."

I nod and consider it. "I like it. And yes lets go for a run."

He leaves so I can get undressed.

*Selena Black*  

Once I am undressed I change into Raven. I really do like the name.

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