Big Ope -- Chapter 1

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Annabeth POV

I ran to the bathroom, and Percy followed me and held back my hair as I barfed my guts out. "There goes my breakfast," I said.

Percy laughed. "Are you sure you're not pregnant?" Percy asked me.

"I'm sure Percy, I can not be pregnant. I'm on the pill. Plus my mom would kill me if she found out that I'm having a baby with the son of Poseidon."

It's been about 18 months since the war against Gaea. Percy and I have been living on our own since then. I'm about halfway through redesigning Olympus, and I've never been happier. This pregnancy could ruin everything.

"You're not wrong," Percy said almost jokingly. "Just buy a test to see."

"Fine," I said.

"Shoot, I have to leave for work now or else I'll be late," Percy said. 

Percy worked as a manager at McDonald's, but he was getting his degree in Hydrology, the study of water. Even though he didn't graduate high school, the Gods used their magic and got him into NYU. I kissed him on the cheek. "Bye Seaweed Brain."

He left me in the bathroom and went to work. I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. My blonde hair was in a messy bun. My brow was lined with sweat from throwing up. 

I washed my face and changed out of my sweatpants and sweatshirt into a t-shirt and leggings. On my way out I grabbed a hoodie and put that on as well. I got my house key and left for the Walgreens down the street.

8 hours later

"Hey Wise Girl, do you have the test?" I heard Percy ask as he walked through the door.

I waited for him to join me in the living room before I gave him my answer. "Yeah," I said. I really didn't want to take this test. This was the first test that I've ever taken, that I wanted to fail.

"Well take it! I wanna see if I'm a dad or not!" 

I wish Percy would see things from my perspective. I don't want to be pregnant. Sometimes I just want to slap him. Or judo flip him.

I stood up to go to the bathroom, test in hand. I peed on the stick. Now, the fun part. Waiting. I joined Percy in the living room. He was very visibly excited. The three-minute timer on my phone went off and I went to the bathroom to check the test. Percy followed me. I drew a deep shaky breath before flipping the test over to read the little screen thing. Positive.

"That's great Wise Girl!" Percy said. Excitement filled his voice.

"No, it's not. What will my mom think? I can't have this kid."

"Of course you can. You'll make a great mother."

"No, Percy, I don't think you understand. My mom. She hates you," I tried to reason with him.

Like every cliche story, at that moment there was a knock on the door.

Percy left the bathroom and I heard him open the door. I left the bathroom and poked my head around the corner to look at the front door. It was a lady. But not just any lady. It was Athena.

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