Yikes-- Chapter 7

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My mom drove me back to my apartment because I was driven to the hospital by the police officer. We drove in silence. She dropped me off at my apartment building and said, "Don't be afraid to call me if you need anything."

"Okay, mom. I will."

I got the mail and went upstairs to our apartment. I put the keys in the door and felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, it was Ms. Holland. "I heard what happened. Would you like to come to my apartment for cookies and lemonade?"


I followed her to her apartment. She opened the door and invited me inside. Her apartment smelled like cookies. She led me to the kitchen and pulled out a chair for me. I sat down. She poured me a glass of lemonade and handed me a blue cookie. "Why are the cookies blue?"

"That's the way you like them, Percy Jackson."

Now she was starting to freak me out. I put my hand in my pocket and grasped Riptide. Just in case. "I'm not hungry," I said.

I pushed the plate and glass away from me. I stood up and started to leave. Ms. Holland grabbed my shoulder, I pulled Riptide out of my pocket and uncapped it. Ms. Holland turned into a fury. Just what I thought. Killed her easily. I capped Riptide and ran back to my apartment. I went straight to bed.

That night I had a dream.

"Hello, Perseus," spoke a voice. "I have them."

And then I saw them. On the ceiling. In cages and chains. Piper. Jason. Hazel. Frank. Leo. Calypso. Annabeth. My mom. Paul. Estelle. Even Rachel was there.

In my dream, I tried everything to get them down but nothing worked. I tried getting a ladder up there, I tried flooding the room and swimming to the top. I tried to use water to break the chains. But nothing worked. 

Then the voice spoke again, "You have 3 days to get to where they are. Or else they will be unrescuable."

I woke in a sweat. But just to be sure the dream was real I went to my mom and Paul's place. Even though it was the middle of the night.

I hit the buzzer for their apartment. No response. I hit it again. Nothing. I used the key my mom gave me and went up the stairs. My heart was pounding. Please don't be real. I prayed quickly and silently. I put the key into the keyhole and opened up the door to their apartment. I ran to their bedroom. No one. "Okay," I said. "This is real."

The first thing I did after I got home was hit the books. The voice was female so the culprit was female. At noon I went home to pack a bag so I could find them. My suspects were Thea, Pheobe, and Theia. I planned on going to Chicago to find them.

Time to leave.

A Love Story: PercabethWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt