That Awkward Moment When You Don't Know What To Do-- Chapter 12

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This wasn't my first time at Olympus. After a long elevator ride, I arrived at the top. Olympus was partially in tatters, but mostly beautiful, as Annabeth still hadn't finished redesigning and building it. Well, you know, she's kinda missing. That sorta has something to do with it. 

It occurred to me that I had no idea why I chose to go to Olympus. It just sorta felt like the right thing to do. I decided to try and find Zeus, my dad, or Athena to try and set things right. 

The first God I ran into was Athena. Just my luck. Because I'm dumb, I went to talk to her. "Hey, have you seen your daughter by any chance?" I asked.

"What daughter, I don't have one," she replied.

That kinda hurt me. Not gonna lie here. "Ummm, you do have one. Annabeth Chase."

I swear on the River Styx that a look of recognition flashed on her face. "Ahh. Her."

"Thank the Gods you-" I was cut off by Athena.

"Just kidding. Never heard of her." Athena laughed and walked away.

I stood there very confused as to what just happened. After a minute or to of just watching Athena get smaller and disappear into the distance, I realized I don't have much time left. I need to find my friends.

I wandered around aimlessly. I eventually found myself in the throne room of the Gods. As I have said before, it makes Grand Central Station look like a broom closet. Luckily for me, my father, Poseidon, sat in his throne. His trident lay at his feet. He was alone and fast asleep. So he naturally didn't notice me at first. "Hey, umm Dad, can you help me?"

He stirred. I began to speak louder. "Hey Dad, can you help me?"

He opened one eye and looked around the room. He spotted me. He looked shocked. "Percy! What are you doing here?" he asked.

"It's a long story. See, Annabeth is pregnant. Or was. I don't really know honestly," I started. The idea that Annabeth could be dead hurt to think about.

"What do you mean was pregnant?"

"She tried to kill herself because Athena disowned her. Because she was pregnant with my kid. Then at the hospital, she went missing, so did everyone I care about. And I've been having these dreams about how to get them and coming to Olympus seemed like the right idea."

"I think I know where to start," he said.

A Love Story: PercabethHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin