*Dora The Explorer Voice* "Come On, Let's Go"-- Chapter 8

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As I opened the door to leave, a wave of sleepiness came over me. I could barely keep my eyes open. Although it was only noon I was as tired as I would have been if I was pulling an all-nighter. Which I did kinda do. So I turned around and went to the couch, which was closer than the bed. I grabbed a throw pillow used that as a pillow. 

As soon as I closed my eyes, I had another dream.

"Percy Jackson. They're here," the female voice said.

There they were. Everyone from my dream last night but this time there were guards. The guards were Luke, Silena, Beckendorf, and Bianca.


Dead people as guards.

How pleasant.

"You have two days now Percy. Two days to prove yourself worthy. I mean, Two days to rescue them," the same female voice said.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Never mind that. You'll find me in Manhattan. That I can tell you. I would hate to see- nevermind."

"You would hate to what?"

"Goodbye Percy."

I didn't get the answer I wanted. But that helped considering I was gonna go on a plane to Chicago to find The Titans in The Willis Tower.

Then I woke up. I laid on the couch for a minute and pondered the events of my dream. What could it all mean?

I got on my phone to get a bus ticket for the Empire State Building because our apartment, while in New York, was pretty far away from Manhattan.

Bus 561 leaves for Manhattan at 10 am. A ticket is $55.99.

I bought a ticket. Which drained my bank account. I now had no more money.

I had 5 hours before I had to be out the door. I double-checked my bag. Everything I needed was there.

To Manhattan, I go.

A/N As some of you may have noticed, I stopped putting in that it was Percy's POV because there's really no one else it could be. Hope you like the story so far!

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