Like Zoinks Dude-- Chapter 2

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Annabeth POV

"Move over fish face," Athena said to Percy. The door was still wide open.

She shoved past him. "Mom, I know you're mad that I'm having a kid with Percy but its nothing really," I said. 

I stepped out from behind the wall. Feeling very courageous. "Oh no, it's everything. You just ruined my life. Now all the gods will tease me about you and that can of tuna over there." She had a point. A god's reputation was everything.

"Hey!" Percy said, offended. 

Athena turned to him. "You. You little rascal. You got my child pregnant. You're a no-good son of Poseidon. Rot in the underworld." 

Then Athena turned to me. "From now on I want nothing from you. I don't want to see you, talk to you, anything. And I'm taking your Yankees hat." Her voice was filled with rage. 

"No mom please, you're making the wrong choice," I plead. 

Our little old elderly neighbour, Ms Holland poked her head around the door frame. "Is everything okay in here? I heard raised voices."

"No everything's good, except for the fact that my daughter got pregnant with the son of my rivals kid," my mom said in the sweetest voice you've ever heard. It was the opposite of the tone she was using with me moments ago. 

Ms Holland looked very confused before saying, "Oh. I'll leave you alone now."

Ms Holland left. With a wave of her hand, Athena closed the door. 

I continued to beg and plead with her but nothing worked. "Mom, you'll be a grandmother. Think of it that way."

She paused for a moment. Contemplating what I had just said. "Um, no thanks. Now I feel old."

My mom picked my Yankees cap up off the coffee table. She opened the door and stormed out of mine and Percy's apartment, clutching my Yankees cap in a very visibly tight grip. 

As soon as Athena shut the door, I crumpled to the floor in tears. Percy tried to comfort me, but I pushed him away.

He brushed his hand along my cheek. "Babe-" Percy started, I cut him off. 

"Leave me alone Percy," I said sternly, pushing his hand away from me.

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